The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 266 Bai Heyan is jealous, Cheng Fan's bridal chamber

Chapter 266 Bai Heyan is jealous, Cheng Fan's bridal chamber
When the words fell, Bai Heyan didn't give them a chance to refute. He looked gloomily at Sheng Jingmo who was trying to kidnap his daughter, and whispered, "Hey, are you here too? "

Bai Qingyin looked at her father's whole body with a sour smell. Just as he was about to speak, Sheng Jingmo hurriedly said, "Thank you, father-in-law, for your success. I will take good care of Yinyin in the future and keep her safe and sound throughout her life."

"You will take the opportunity to take Joe." Bai Heyan snorted coldly.

How could he refute this.

Emperor Jia Ning looked at Bai He Yan's sour and jealous appearance, and was very happy, but he said with relief: "You should also look away, Yin Yin is already married, and she is also engaged to Sheng Jing Mo, so it would be good for them to spend more time together. of."

"After all, Jingmo was raised by you and me. His yard is next to Nianhua Xiaoyuan, and it's not far from you. There is no difference between their marriage and marriage. Why do you care so much?"

Emperor Jia Ning looked at the three who had abandoned Cheng Fan and his wife to accompany him, his heart was as warm as spring, and the stagnation in his heart slowly dissipated, and he said, "As long as their young husband and wife are harmonious and beautiful, I will ask for nothing else. , they are all their own raised children, why are you jealous!"

"The reason is such a reason, but the anger in my heart can't come out." Bai Heyan frowned.

He was still annoyed that the two children were in love with each other and kept it from him, and dared to directly set up a marriage at the wedding banquet.

It must be Sheng Jingmo who deceived his daughter.

At the beginning, his father lured Saintess Xu Guo to return home to be his wife with rhetoric.

Sheng Jingmo looked at Bai Heyan and saw that his eyes were not eyes, and his mouth was not a mouth. In order to avoid the foster father's wild thoughts, he immediately explained: "My foster father, the child never thought to deceive you, but I never found a suitable one. When the time comes, the foster father knows."

"The child never thought to deceive his father-in-law about anything. When he was with Yinyin, he never made a move." Sheng Jingmo explained again and again.

Bai Qingyin sat obediently drinking tea with Emperor Jia Ning, watching the play, just to see what could happen to these two little men.

Sheng Jingmo and Bai Heyan felt that the inside of the carriage was very quiet, so they turned their heads to look around, and saw the two of them watching the show in a calm mood, they said indignantly, "You never thought of persuading us?"

Bai Qingyin smiled lightly and said, "I think it's interesting for two big men to quarrel."

He knew that the two quarreled like this just to attract Emperor Jia Ning's attention, so she didn't add fuel to the fire, it was already good to add firewood.

"You." Bai Heyan and Sheng Jingmo sighed in unison.

Bai Qingyin stuck out her tongue towards the two of them.

Emperor Jia Ning looked at Bai Qingyin's naive appearance, and smiled more and more cheerfully: "You guys, it's a blessing for me to have you."

Bai Qingyin smiled and snuggled into Emperor Jia Ning's arms: "It is a blessing for Yinyin to meet my uncle."

Emperor Jia Ning stroked the girl's hair lightly, and said with relief, "Yinyin, I am helping you prepare a dowry. Your wedding dress and phoenix crown will not be prepared, lest you be in a dilemma when you don't know who to wear."

"Thank you uncle."

After Emperor Jia Ning returned to the palace, Bai Heyan brought Sheng Jingmo back to the palace, and whispered, "The two of you openly stepped on His Majesty's carriage. Such a disrespectful act must not be repeated next time."

"I know that you are afraid that Your Majesty will be sad, but there must be no next time." Bai Heyan warned, and took the two of them to the Xiliang Palace.

Sheng Jingmo quietly took Bai Qingyin's hand and followed behind Bai Heyan.

The moon was in the middle of the sky, and the figures of the two were stretched so long that Bai Heyan could see them holding hands as long as he glanced to the right.Bai Qingyin wanted to break free for fear of being seen by his father and making him angry.

Seeing that she was trying to break free, Sheng Jingmo gently brought her to his side and walked side by side with him, and moved a little bit to avoid Bai Heyan's sight: "It's okay, the foster father can't see it."

"Really?" The little girl was still a little worried.

"Don't worry. I'm here for everything." Yu Luo, the hand he held clenched a little bit.

Bai Heyan walked in front, took a panoramic view of the words and deeds of the two, and sighed softly.

These two children were pushing his limits, holding hands secretly under his nose.

Are they just showing off the depth of their relationship?

Thinking of Bai He's anger, he suddenly looked back, and the two immediately let go, pretending that nothing had happened: "Father, what's wrong?"

Sheng Jingmo also said the same: "Foster father, what's wrong?"

Bai Heyan slightly curled his lips, then stepped forward to grab Bai Qingyin's arm, and said, "Go, walk with my father."

Sheng Jingmo followed behind, a smile appeared in his eyes: People often say that the older you get, the more naive you are!

The ancients do not deceive people!

Cheng Shiyu looked at Cheng Fan, who stepped into the house, and said, "I didn't seem to see the princess and the grandfather just now. Where did they go?"

Cheng Fan said, "They left with His Majesty."

"Today's wedding banquet is so lively, they should be afraid of His Majesty's affection, so they deliberately went to accompany His Majesty." Cheng Shiyu took off his phoenix crown.

"It's still Madam's mind." Cheng Fan had an epiphany, and then bowed his hands and said earnestly, "Because my husband is stupid, I will ask my wife to give more advice on many matters in the court, and my husband must obey orders."

Cheng Shiyu asked with a smile, "Are you really willing to listen to me?"

Cheng Fan raised his head and replied, "Mrs. is smart, witty, courageous and courageous. I don't listen to my wife for my husband, whoever listens to me."

Just as Cheng Shiyu was about to say "Ruzi can be taught", her body suddenly emptied into the air. When she regained consciousness, she was already in Cheng Fan's arms and whispered, "Ensure your husband and wife that everything at home will be obeyed by your wife, but in bed, The lady has to obey her husband."

Cheng Shiyu bit her lips lightly to stabilize her mind. She raised her eyes to look at Cheng Fan, her eyes were filled with warm water vapor, her heart was beating violently, and she couldn't even speak in a trance.

Cheng Fan hugged her in his arms, attached to her ear, and whispered in a trembling voice: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Cheng Shiyu looked down at the handsome man in front of him, his heart was beating violently, he could not only feel Cheng Fan's beating heart, but also clearly see the blood vessels in his neck throbbing, she subconsciously grabbed his collar.

Cheng Fan lightly hooked on her belt and bit her ear: "Don't be afraid, if it hurts you call out, or bite me, I will stop immediately."

Cheng Shiyu knew that Cheng Fan was a straight person, a lump of wood, and couldn't say any love words, but when she heard Cheng Fan say such words today, she knew that she didn't see the wrong person, let alone marry the wrong person. All the waiting was worth it.

She raised her hand around his neck and kissed his lips: "Cheng Fan, I like you. I like you very early."

 The reason for the two-day break is because the computer system has crashed, and the school is about to start. I took my baby to buy clothes. After all, is the school going to start?

  It's funny to say.

  Maybe it's too hot in summer, and the clothes and pants have been washed too many times. My baby has worn out two pairs of pants, and has worn out holes in the back of his buttocks.Looking very funny.

  Although there are still clothes to wear, it has become urgent to buy clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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