The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 269 The First Prince's Two Children

Chapter 269 The First Prince's Two Children
"Father, Brother Jingmo was raised by you. You should understand what kind of person he is. Please believe in him as much as I do, okay?"

The little girl looked at Bai Heyan with a firm gaze: "Even if he really has other ideas, he will ask my opinion."

"Even if you don't believe him, you should believe me too!" She looked at her father with burning eyes.

Bai Heyan sighed softly: "He was raised for his father, how could he not believe him as a father?"

"It's just that he has been acting mysteriously recently, I'm worried about him!" Bai Heyan leaned back on the chair and sighed softly.

"He acts prudently and will never act rashly." Bai Qingyin reassured.

"Forget it!" Bai Heyan whispered: "You guys have grown up, you can make your own decisions about some things, and it's time for me to let go."

Bai Qingyin smiled softly and whispered, "I'm going to the palace in the afternoon to see the two children left by the first prince. Will Dad come with me?"

"Don't go." Bai Heyan stood up immediately, with a trace of anger in his eyes: "If I see those two little brats for my father, I am afraid that I can't control myself, and I will strangle those two stinky brats to death on the spot."

Thinking of those two cubs, Bai Heyan smiled and replied gloomily, "Didn't Li Nanchen want to frame Jingmo with rumors?"

"Then I'll release rumors now to let the world know that His Majesty entrusted you to raise the first prince's two cubs in order to choose a prince from the two of them."

Li Nanchen is so scheming, if he knows His Majesty's plan, he will definitely take action against those two little cubs, so that he can avenge his daughter's falling into the water without a fight.

Bai Qingyin looked at her father and said, "Father, with my protection, no one can hurt those two children."

"Their fathers were tyrannical, murdering innocent people, and even endangering the imperial power. But they are innocent. If they grow up to be as inhumane and unrighteous as their fathers, I have a way to get rid of them. The serious crimes committed by myself and my father will pay the price." Bai Qingyin was afraid of her father's worries, and for the first time she spoke out her plan frankly.

Bai Heyan looked back at her daughter's firm gaze, and whispered, "Yinyin, isn't it okay to do it once and for all?"

There is resentment for resentment, and there is revenge for revenge.As a father, it is only natural for him to avenge his daughter, and no one is qualified to stop him!
"The sins committed by his father will eventually be repaid." Bai Qingyin whispered: "Only when they grow up alive can they atone for their father's sins."

If they are of good character, she will protect them for life, and if they have evil intentions, she will make them pay for their actions.

Bai Heyan knew that her daughter was stubborn, and no one could change her decision, so she said, "Okay, you call the shots. No matter what you do, my father will stand behind you and face it with you."

Bai Qingyin came to Bai Heyan's side, pulled him into a chair and sat down, kneaded his shoulders for him, and whispered, "Dad, it's great to have you by my side!"

Bai Heyan smiled softly: "You will fool Dad."

The carriage drove slowly towards the imperial city. On the carriage, Bai Qingyin opened the food box, and the two brothers and sisters stepped forward to take out a piece of cake and ate it with satisfaction.

Bai Qingyin looked at the two siblings beside her, and asked softly, "Have you noticed anything unusual in the courtyard of the Third Prince these past few days?"

The servants, maids and eunuchs in the Third Prince's Mansion are all skilled in martial arts, and it is impossible for ordinary people to escape their eyes. Only the two brothers and sisters Song Ning and Song Che are extremely talented and can quietly lurk in the Third Prince. on the house.

Song Ning swallowed the cake and replied, "He does nothing but read books every day. He just occasionally talks to the little maid next to him about how to get out of that prison."

"That maid's martial arts skills are very high, and she looks very similar to a palace maid that brother Leng-Lian killed some time ago." Song Che rolled his eyes, tried to think about it for a while, and then said, "That maid's name is Yin Liwen."

Bai Qingyin nodded: "I think it was a pair of sisters."

She vaguely remembered that the night the fire broke out, the maid named Yin Lihua was executed by brother Jingmo.

They should be two sisters with the same surname and the same generation.

"What is that woman like?" Bai Qingyin asked again.

"You will be punished, you will be cruel." Song Ning racked his brains to come up with these two words. After speaking, he immediately picked up a piece of cake to make up for the brain power he had lost before thinking about it.

As an older brother, Song Che was even more prudent, and asked carefully, "Pretty sister, do you want to get rid of that woman?"

Bai Qingyin whispered: "No, there is nothing to do now."

All she has to do now is wait, wait for them to do it first.

Only when they do it, can she remove the hidden danger of Li Nanchen for her uncle in an upright manner.

She also wanted to know which general in the DPRK had joined Li Nanchen.

She knew the number of generals in the Dongyuan Dynasty, and she just wanted to know which army commander dared to participate in the coup d'etat regardless of the lives of the people?
Thinking about it, she continued: "He's so smart that he guessed that someone was lurking in his mansion, so he was extraordinarily quiet and did nothing! It's useless for you to stay there and stare."

"Come back, I will prepare delicious cakes for you every day."

She stroked Song Ning's thin cheeks, her eyes full of distress: "Look, but after a few days away, this little face has lost a lot of weight!"

"Mmmm." The two of them heard that there was something delicious, they stared at Bai Qingyin and nodded sharply.

Bai Qingyin suddenly felt envious in her heart: It would be great if they could be as carefree as the two of them!
Turning to think, who has no regrets in life, why should they envy others.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the palace, and Bai Qingyin took the two brothers and sisters into the palace.

Emperor Jia Ning waited for a long time. He couldn't wait any longer. He stood at the gate of the palace and waited. The two nurses behind him were waiting with their children in their arms.

Bai Qingyin hurriedly glanced at the two children, one fat and one thin, and then came to Emperor Jia Ning's side, held Emperor Jia Ning's arm, and persuaded: "Uncle, it's almost winter, don't stand outside the palace gate, be careful. cold."

"When the spring begins, your wedding date with Jingmo will come." Emperor Jia Ning sighed with emotion.

Does Yinyin still have time to accompany this lonely old man after becoming a relative?
"When I become a relative, I can use Jing Mo to come to the palace to accompany my uncle." Bai Qingyin said with relief.

"I got married with Brother Jingmo, and these two children will be handed over to me to raise. Uncle can find an excuse to see the children at any time." After speaking, Bai Qingyin pretended to be appetizing and complained: "I only hope that when the time comes, my uncle will not be fond of the new and hate the old, and if you have a grandson, you will not listen to music."

"What nonsense are you talking about, how do they compare with you." Emperor Jia Ning smiled.

Emperor Jia Ning ordered the child to be held in front of her: "Okay, take these two children to play!"

 Don't pull me, let me hit a piece of tofu!

(End of this chapter)

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