The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 271 The Tortured Li Nanyi

Chapter 271 The Tortured Li Nanyi

"Uncle, let me go! My plan was complete at the beginning, but I didn't plan the route well. When I came back, I fell into the trap of the farmers and didn't climb up." Li Nanyi whispered with trembling hands.

"I don't care what your reasons are, or how carefully you plan." Bai Heyan pulled out the machete and dagger in his hand, then avoided the key point and inserted it heavily: "You shouldn't count on this old man's daughter."

"The old man and the eldest princess have been married for many years, and there is only one daughter under his knees. She is my life. No one can hurt her, not even the Holy One."

Bai Heyan pinched Li Nanyi's neck, and his face suddenly turned hideous: "Her mother lost her life for the Dongyuan royal family, I am stationed at the border gate and can't see Yinyin all the year round, although she is loved by thousands, but her parents can't She lost her childhood with Chang Pang by her side."

"She got everything, but she didn't care, she just wanted me to be by her side."

"You plan on him, you dare to plan against him, you dare to plan against her." Bai Heyan pulled out his dagger, Li Nanyi couldn't stand in pain, and fell to the ground.

Bai Heyan stepped aside, picked up the gauze and medicine bottle on the ground and returned to Li Nanyi, unbuttoned his clothes, sprinkled medicine powder on his wound, and then carefully bandaged: "Don't worry, I won't let you die. of."

"I remember that Jingmo once dealt with a general who embezzled food and wages, and his favorite was donkey meat."

"There are more than a dozen donkeys in his house, and he will choose to slice the next piece in the fattest place. The strength is not too small or not small. He waits for it to grow new meat, and then slices the piece along the place that was cut last time. Newly grown meat."

"I used to think this method was very cruel, but now it is very suitable for you to use it."

Li Nanyi curled up into a ball in pain, listening to Bai Heyan's calm narration, he was instantly horrified.

"The King of Xiliang has always been known for his kindness and kindness. Does the world know that you are so cruel?" He struggled, hoping to persuade Bai Heyan not to torture himself.

Bai Heyan rolled up the gauze and put it back in his bag: "Don't be delusional. I won't let you out. I'll make your life more vivid in the days to come."

After the words fell, Bai Heyan turned and left.

"Bai Heyan, I can't complain that Sheng Jingmo will be called Iron Man Tu by the world. With a cruel and shameless adoptive father like you, how can you raise a person of pure character?"

Li Nanyi roared in pain and ordered hoarsely: "You let me out, you let me out."

Bai Heyan stopped, looked back at Li Nanyi, curled the corners of his lips lightly, and a faint smile appeared on the bottom of his eyes: "I just came up with a good idea."

"You should know that Your Majesty entrusted your two sons to my family, and I will take good care of you and your flesh. As long as your son dares to disagree, I will give your flesh to you. Your sons, let them have a good taste of the flesh of their biological father."

After the words fell, Bai Heyan smiled lightly and turned to leave.

He knew that Jingmo would use this trick the most to scare others, and now he wanted to use this trick to deal with Li Nanyi in a different way.

Walking to Eunuch Cui's side, Bai Heyan stopped and warned, "Take care of him and don't let him die."

When his two children grow up and become adults.Li Nanyi had to watch it with his own eyes.

"The old slave will definitely take good care of the eldest prince and let him wait for his two children to grow up." Eunuch Cui responded quickly.

When Bai Heyan stepped out of the ice cellar, he ran into Sheng Jingmo, and he told him without hesitation: "Jingmo, I just went to see the first prince and gave him a gift, so you don't need to see him. I just told Eunuch Cui to take good care of the eldest prince."

Seeing Bai Heyan being so frank, Sheng Jingmo didn't react for a while, but just followed Bai Heyan habitually.

On the way, Bai Heyan asked softly, "How about your investigation on the secret passage?"

Sheng Jingmo replied softly: "Originally, he found one place, but he sealed it, but he will definitely leave a way out for himself. I have been investigating, and I have also led some farmers to investigate. "

Bai Heyan took a deep breath and reminded: "I have thought about this matter, since I can't find a secret way in the city, why not do the opposite, think about where he will eventually go, and start from It may be the end of the search where the search begins."

"What the adoptive father reminded was." Sheng Jingmo suddenly became enlightened, and his eyes lit up.

Bai Heyan glanced at his adopted son and continued, "But on the streets and alleys, you still have to keep searching and record them one by one. Maybe it will be useful in the future."

He turned around and patted Sheng Jingmo on the shoulder, and said, "Remember that no matter what you do, you have to prepare more and be prepared!"

"Children are taught. In the future, I will be more cautious." Sheng Jingmo bowed and listened to the training.

Bai Heyan looked at Yang Zi and said softly, "Although we can't take advantage of every opportunity, we must be prepared to be safe."

"Yes." Sheng Jingmo took the order.

"By the way, Yinyin has entered the palace, you go and bring her back." Bai Heyan turned around and left while carrying her bag.

"Yes." Sheng Jingmo looked at the burden in Bai Heyan's hands, and there was a gloat in his eyes.

Being able to lynch his adoptive father in this world is also a blessing for Li Nanyi.

Sheng Jingmo glanced back at the ice cellar, turned around and ordered a carriage to head towards the imperial city.

"You mean that they are blatantly searching and haven't given Baiguan an answer. Next, they will even continue to search for the farmhouse?" Li Nanchen put his hands on his back, looked up at the sky, and asked Yin Liwen who was behind him.

Yin Liwen replied, "Report to Your Highness, that's true."

"They are so courageous! How dare they tell the royal father about such a fortunate secret without any evidence to prove it." Li Nanchen sneered, and the bottom of his eyes became colder.

Yin Liwen was indignant and held grievances for Li Nanchen: "How can the emperor trust outsiders so much now, but not his own prince."

What the hell is going on in this world?
The friendship between the biological father and son is no match for outsiders.

Li Nanchen pondered and said softly, "Yeah, I also want to know why the royal father values ​​Sheng Jingmo and Bai Qingyin so much."

Yin Liwen had never heard Li Nanchen call the original name of the county lord, and there was a hint of doubt in the bottom of her eyes, and she asked in a low voice, "Your Highness, you used to call the county lord's boudoir name, why are you calling her full name today?"

Doesn't His Highness love the princess with all his heart?

Li Nanchen took a deep breath, slowly leaned on the pillar, and said softly, "I have envy, jealousy, and longing for Yinyin."

"Just because she has a good mother, she can be unscrupulously favored by her father at birth, and even use military power as her dowry."

(End of this chapter)

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