The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 274 The Fat Cheng Fan

Chapter 274 The Fat Cheng Fan

When the snow fell, it was covered in silver, and the withered treetops were covered with snow that was as white as pear blossoms, delicate and graceful.

Sheng Jingmo, dressed in a fox fur and cloak, stood in Nianhua Xiaoyuan and looked at Bai Qingyin who was playing with the snow, with gentle and peaceful eyes.

Cheng Fan walked over wrapped in a cloak, and reported in a low voice: "General, I have already checked. Although the eldest son of the eldest prince is often sick, it is not the imperial doctor Lou who visits the doctor."

"Doctor Lou is taciturn. Two days ago, he was ordered to go home by the imperial physician because he pointed out the inadequacy of the prescription prescribed by the imperial physician."

Cheng Fan looked at Sheng Jingmo and said with certainty, "The Imperial Physician Lou has never seen the county master from beginning to end."

Sheng Jingmo listened quietly, and didn't move for a long time. If it weren't for the white fox fur around his neck, which undulates like waves of wheat in the wind, others would think he was a statue.

After a long time, Sheng Jingmo suppressed the shock waves in his heart.

Since the cold pool fell into the water, the sound has changed a lot.He thought that Yin Yin had grown up.But gradually she realized that things were not like that.

How did Yinyin know about the conduct of Imperial Doctor Lou?
They dealt with each other every day in the past life, but they have no intersection in this life!
Could it be that he was not the only one who was reborn!
Could it be that Yinyin is also a reborn person!

Glancing at Cheng Fan beside him, his frown deepened: "I saw that you have only been married for less than a month, how can you change so much!"

A good young man, how can he become so mellow after getting married?

"Shiyu is pregnant. My mother is thinking of ways to prepare meals for Shiyu. Shiyu has a small appetite. In order to cope with my mother, all those meals ended up in my mouth." Cheng Fan touched his belly with a look of grievance. .

He didn't want to eat so much either, and he couldn't even wear his armor.

"Hurry up to lose weight, otherwise if you can't even wear the armor, you will be laughed at by your brothers." Sheng Jingmo glanced at Cheng Fan with disgust, and immediately looked away, not wanting to look at Cheng Fan.

Cheng Fan saw Sheng Jingmo's disdainful eyes, and defended himself in a low voice, and replied, "General, I have already started to lose weight."

Less than half a month after Shi Yu was diagnosed with pregnancy, he gained a lot of weight, and yesterday he made up his mind to lose weight.

Bai Qingyin held a snowball in her hand and approached Cheng Fan. When she saw Cheng Fan's plump face, the plump snowballs fell to the ground, and she said in surprise, "Cheng Fan. , I have always known that you have a generous heart, but I never thought that you would be so generous."

"You've only been married for more than a month, how can you raise yourself so fat, don't forget that you are a general."

After speaking, Bai Qingyin said again: "But I still remember Lu Song's Beno Kelin, if you don't control it, you will become as fat as him."

Cheng Fan thought of Beno Kelin's fat belly, and recalled how he had to hold his stomach when he walked. He was so frightened that he immediately turned around: "I'll go to the military camp. I will never become that fat man. Lord of the city."

If he really becomes like that, Shi Yu will definitely despise him.

Cheng Fan ran so fast, he didn't notice that there was snow under his feet instead of steps when turning the corner, he fell heavily into the snow nest, and was buried by the snow without seeing anyone.

"Hehehehe." Bai Qingyin's laughing branches trembled.

"Brother Jingmo, you're right, he's really heartless, he can fall like this when he walks."

The little girl's back hurt from laughing, and Sheng Jingmo immediately stretched out his hand to support him: "It's windy in winter, be careful of choking on the wind, and your body is important."

The tentacles were cold, and Sheng Jingmo immediately grabbed her hands, wrapped them in them, and rubbed them gently: "How dare you come out to play in the snow with such cold hands, don't you think so?"

"Fang Cai, how dare you roll such a big snowball in the palm of your hand, don't you want a small hand?" Sheng Jingmo looked at the falling snowball and urged him incessantly.

Bai Qingyin sighed softly, with a smile on his face: "Brother Jingmo, my daddy doesn't talk about people like you."

Bai Heyan, who was hiding on the side, paced out, coughed lightly, and said dissatisfiedly, "It's like he didn't do his best for his father!"

"Small and unconscionable." Bai Heyan looked at his daughter, feeling jealous.

He went to see Li Nanyi just now. Seeing Li Nanyi's appearance that he was about to go crazy from being tortured, he felt very happy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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