The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 278 Eternal Imprisonment

"I don't know. I also secretly overheard such a fortunate past."

Li Nanjue looked at his wound, which was stained with blood, and continued: "Father, I overheard Brother Three Emperors say that he discovered the secret passage left by the previous dynasty in the capital."

"Father, what I can tell you, my son has told you. For the sake of my honesty, let me go!"

Li Nanjue begged softly: "I don't want to go back to the northwest, please forgive me! I really know I'm wrong."

Emperor Jia Ning looked down at Li Nanjue, and said solemnly, "I called you back, but I didn't plan to send you back to the northwest."

Li Nanjue immediately raised her eyes, looked at Emperor Jia Ning in horror, and said, "Father, how do you plan to treat your son, is there really no friendship between you and me?"

Are you still unwilling to let me go?

I already knew it was wrong.

Emperor Jia Ning looked down at Li Nanjue, and said softly, "I won't let you die, but don't try to make trouble, I will imprison you under my eyes, I will look at you, and make you forever. There is no chance for chaos."

Li Nanjue nestled in the box, as if he had lost his soul, and asked softly, "Why? I am your son."

Emperor Jia Ning stood in front of the temple gate with his hands on his back, and whispered, "Yes, you are my sons, my own sons."

"Besides the sixth, I have also put the same effort into you guys. The one who disappoints me the most is the second child, who has a bad character, takes both men and women, and uses a single face to seduce women everywhere."

"The boss pretends to be honest, the third one pretends to be benevolent, and you pretend to be pure. But you haven't done a single thing behind your back. How do you want me to treat you?"

"Do you think you are qualified to inherit the throne? Do you think I will hand over the common people of Dongyuan to you?"

Li Nanjue collapsed and shouted: "Yes, we are not good people. But you only have our sons. If you don't hand over the throne to us, who can you hand it over?"

"The two children of the eldest brother can't walk yet. How do you know his character, and how do you decide who will inherit the throne?"

In the face of questioning, Emperor Jia Ning looked back at Li Nanjue and whispered, "Who told you that this throne will definitely be passed on to you?"

After the words fell, Emperor Jia Ning looked at Eunuch Yi and whispered: "Take him down, lock him up, and find someone to serve him well, don't let him leave the dark prison for half a step."

"Yes." Eunuch Yi responded, and Sui Zhongyi and Li Nanjue stood up.

Li Nanjue struggled to speak, but Eunuch Yi hurriedly persuaded: "Young Master, don't say it anymore, His Majesty is protecting your life!"

Emperor Jia Ning returned to his seat and sat down, stroking the sachet that Bai Qingyin made for him, which contained an antidote pill.

After a while, Eunuch Yi and Sui Zhongyi returned to Emperor Jia Ning and said, "Your Majesty, we have strengthened our guards and will never let anyone step into the manor, nor reveal his position."

Emperor Jia Ning said, "I didn't intend to hide Yinyin about this matter, and Yinyin should also know their final destination."

Eunuch Yi bowed his head, Sui Zhongyi bowed his head.

Emperor Jia Ning held the bag and said, "Go back, I'm going to rest."

"General, Xue Wan just dressed up and entered Nianhua Xiaoyuan." Cheng Fan ran in the morning against the cold wind.

I didn't feel it in the past, but when I ran, I realized that my belly was big and scary.

If you don't exercise, you will be ridiculed by the enemy before you even enter the battlefield.

"Did it happen last night?" Sheng Jingmo was afraid that his brother would be laughed at, so he accompanies him to exercise.

"Last night our people saw Sui Zhongyi carrying a large box into Xuan'an Hall." Cheng Fan replied panting.

Sheng Jingmo stopped and asked suspiciously, "The box?"

"Yes, it's a big, big box." Cheng Fan also stopped.

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