The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 282 Since the conspiracy is coming, why avoid it?

Sheng Jingmo gallops on the battlefield, and can always capture the hostility and murderous intent at the first time. Tan Linlin's direct gaze makes Shengjing Mo Di feel the crisis. She looks at Tan Linlin with cold eyes, and her gentle eyes suddenly turn into cold murderers. meaning.

Tan Linlin immediately looked down at the water wine in front of her, not daring to look directly into Sheng Jingmo's eyes.

Sheng Jingmo glanced at the inner servant beside him, and the inner servant immediately stepped forward: "Master Guo, what are your orders?"

"Go to Tan Li and tell him to keep an eye on your daughter, otherwise I don't mind educating her for him." Sheng Jingmo whispered to the inner servant's ear, lowering his voice.

The inner servant took the order, walked towards Tan Li, whispered a few words, Tan Li's complexion changed, and he quickly looked at Sheng Jingmo with eyes full of horror and obedience.

Bai Qingyin was so happy that she didn't have time to take care of the people around her, and she also instantly realized that something was wrong. She looked at Tan Li's father and daughter, and she knew it in her heart.He asked Sheng Jingmo beside him softly, "What did your servant tell him just now, to scare him like this?"

Sheng Jingmo glanced at the little girl and said, "Just a few words of warning to him."

"You are threatening him, saying you want to discipline his daughter for him!" Bai Qingyin didn't look at Sheng Jingmo, but tightened her long sleeves to catch the crispy meat in the distance.

Dressed in light blue clothes with gold and silver leaves embroidered on the cuffs, it was gorgeous yet elegant. Sheng Jingmo couldn't help but praised when he saw it, "Yinyin, this dress is so beautiful."

"My clothes don't look good." Bai Qingyin glanced at Sheng Jingmo.

She didn't take care of her clothes since she was a child. It was the palace staff who sent the palace staff to measure the size and refine them. Even now, her clothes are stored in the palace for emergencies.

The wine glass in front of Bai Qingyin was vacant, and the palace maid immediately stepped forward to pour the wine, but for some reason, her legs and feet softened, and the wine was sprinkled on Bai Qingyin, even Sheng Jingmo had no time to react.

"His Royal Highness, the county lord, atonement, the slave did not do it on purpose, and I don't know why, but my leg hurts."

The little palace maid knelt down and pleaded guilty, and then kowtowed to Emperor Jia Ning: "Your Majesty, this servant really didn't mean it, I beg Your Majesty to let the servant go."

Bai Qingyin glanced at everyone and saw that Emperor Jia Ning was about to get angry, she immediately said, "It's okay, I'll just go and change my clothes."

Today is the New Year's banquet, so things can't be escalated.

"The county master doesn't care, you can go down!" Emperor Jia Ning waved his hand and told the palace maid to retreat, and the palace maid hurriedly retreated.

Emperor Jia Ning looked at Bai Qingyin and hurriedly reminded: "It's cold in winter, hurry up and change into a suit."

"Jingmo, stay with you." Emperor Jia Ning glanced at Sheng Jingmo and asked him to protect Yinyin.

Bai Qingyin went and said, "Uncle, it's fine. I can do it myself."

Since the conspiracy is coming, why avoid it?Of course face it.

She wants to see what kind of turmoil can happen today?
Bai Heyan and Sheng Jingmo are full of worries. They know that the little girl has the ability to deal with everything, but they can't help but worry.

Bai Heyan looked at the two of them and whispered, "Wait for me to come back."

She was not born to evade, and it was her choice to face difficulties and fight hard.

Eunuch Yi immediately asked the maid beside him to lead the way for Bai Qingyin.

Bai Qingyin grew up in the palace since she was a child, and she has long been familiar with everything in the palace. She doesn't need the palace staff to lead the way at all, but today she allows the people in front of her to lead the way for her.

After taking over the clothes from the director's room, Bai Qingyin waved the maid next to her to leave, and quickly changed the wet clothes and put on a set of clean clothes for herself.

When a strange fragrance came, Bai Qingyin immediately took out the sachet and put it on the tip of her nose. She looked at the maid outside the door, who was lying on the ground, and yelled loudly, "Who is coming?"

In an instant, more than a dozen men in black appeared in the room, and the first one stepped forward and said, "As expected of the Princess of Xiliang, you can find us?"

"Smart ass, even knowing that we are waiting here, you dare to come."

A black robe stepped forward and pulled out the long sword from his waist: "Now that all your maids are in a coma, you, a woman with no power to hold a chicken, dare to be hostile to me, you are really bold."

"In order to enter the palace, you are carrying soft swords with thin wings, which is really generous." Bai Qingyin looked at the soft sword in front of her and praised sincerely.

Bai Qingyin took out the handkerchief from the sachet and tied it to her face: "Tell me, who are you? Why are you kidnapping me?"

"The country of Xu has no master, the saint is the only candidate for the country of Xu, and Sheng Jingmo, as the only son of the saint, is the only heir to the royal family of the country of Xu." Seeing Bai Qingyin so calm, the man in black thought she had accepted it. When the fate is met, he will tell the plan frankly.

"You are what Sheng Jingmo cares about most, and what Emperor Dongyuan cares about is you."

"As long as you are taken captive to Xu country, not only can you lead Sheng Jingmo to Xu country, but you can also make Emperor Jia Ning feel worried and dare not act rashly, and may even bow his head to Xu country for you."

Bai Qingyin looked at the person in front of her, quietly tied the sachet back to her waist, and said, "I am the county owner of Dongyuan, but Jiangshan's society is far more important than me, and you use my life to go. Threatening Your Majesty, he will not bow his head."

If her uncle bowed his head, she would look down on him.

"Even if Emperor Jianing would not give up the country for you, Sheng Jingmo would give up Dongyuan for you and go to Xu Guo." The man in black at the head vowed.

Bai Qingyin sneered, and quietly touched the small bag on her waist: "You think you are wearing Xu Guo's clothes, and you can deceive you by learning the tone of Xu Guo's words."

"We are all Xu Guoerlang." The man in black frowned.

Faced with threats from a dozen people, the person in front of him could still clearly distinguish the situation, and even discovered the truth from their few words.

The smile in Bai Qingyin's eyes deepened, and she made a direct conclusion: "Even if you are from the Xu country, your purpose is definitely not to kidnap me to control Sheng Jingmo and threaten my uncle!"

"You entered the palace in the midst of the Tan family's carriage. Your purpose is to create public opinion, so that everyone in Dongyuan thinks that Xu Guoren intentionally wants to welcome Shengjingmo back to Xu Guo's king."

"As long as such a rumor spreads, the people of Dongyuan will reject Sheng Jingmo, and when Brother Jingmo killed so many soldiers of Xu, it is impossible for the people of Xu to accept such a person as the master. You want him to be with Xu in Dongyuan. There is a foothold in the country.”

Bai Qingyin looked at the person in front of her with anger.

These people have repeatedly designed Brother Jingmo to kill him.

No one in this world can hurt Jingmo.

"The princess is making simple things complicated. You should go with us!" The man in black approached Bai Qingyin step by step: "When General Sheng inherits the throne of Xu Guo, you will have a marriage contract with General Sheng. Be the queen. You can stay together forever."

Bai Qingyin sneered and said, "Brother Jingmo has the blood of countless soldiers of Xu State on his hands, and my hands are also stained with the blood of countless soldiers of Xu State."

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