When Sheng Jingmo and Bai Qingyin heard Yun Ting's words, they raised their heads suddenly, even Bai Heyan did the same. They eagerly wanted to know who the general Yun Ting was talking about was?

Yun Ting looked at the two and whispered, "Chen Weizhi, General Chen."

The three of them suffocated and looked at each other, unwilling to believe the names they heard.

Bai Qingyin was the first to speak: "Are you sure it's General Chen?"

Chen Weizhi was a general whose mother stayed in the capital to take care of her growing up.

Among the dozens of generals in the King's Army of Xiliang, Bai Qingyin was the first to know Chen Weizhi, so she did not want to believe that Chen Weizhi would betray the army of Xiliang and join Li Nanchen's command.

Besides, Chen Weizhi doesn't know a lot of characters, and he probably isn't the kind of person who likes listening to operas. Will he really come to Yuntan Music Club to listen to operas?
Ten thousand people in Bai Qingyin's heart did not believe that Chen Weizhi would seek refuge with Li Nanchen.

"I paid special attention to that person's appearance, and I heard the people around him calling him Chen Weizhi." Yun Ting saw the three of them hesitated a bit, apparently understanding that they didn't want to believe the name he just said.

He was also afraid that he had passed the wrong information, and said, "Why don't the county owner and the general take the time to bring General Chen Weizhi over, or take me to see General Chen, so that I can further determine whether that person is Chen Weizhi?"

If the information provided by him is wrong, it will not only harm General Chen, but also the county owner and General Sheng, and may even harm Dongyuan.

He also wants to be cautious, meet and confirm the answer.

"Okay." Bai Qingyin nodded, and then said, "May I ask when Young Master Yun Ting has time to dress up as another person, and I will take you to the military camp to meet Chen Weizhi and his generals."

"After the fifth day of the new year, we will be closed for one day. Should I go to the county master's mansion or wait for your carriage?" Yun Ting asked in a low voice.

Bai Qingyin glanced at Sheng Jingmo and Bai Heyan, and Bai Heyan was the first to say: "On the fifth day of the first day, the old man will take the county master to the Donghe camp for examination. You dress up as a guard to cover your face, and Jingmo brings You go, we will meet at the Donghe camp."

On that day, he would gather all the generals in the capital and let Yun Ting recognize them.

"Okay, I will wait for the general on the fifth day of the new year." Yun Ting replied softly.

Bai Heyan looked at the moonlight outside the window, got up and said, "It's getting late, Yinyin, let's go back."

Bai Qingyin and Sheng Jingmo got up tacitly, nodded slightly to Yun Ting, and then followed Bai Heyan away.

Yun Ting got up and sent it to the door, and then he didn't dare to send it again, afraid that his appearance would cause unnecessary trouble, but Yun Ting's eyes kept silently staring at Bai Qingyin, and there was a trace of longing and sadness in the bottom of his eyes.

He knew that he had no chance to stand by her side in his life, so he stood behind her and watched her go to a higher position and watch her be happy.

The fifth day of the first lunar month
Bai Heyan brought Bai Qingyin to the Donghe camp. Except for the soldiers who were practicing, the other soldiers were all waiting for Bai Qingyin's military parade.

Bai Qingyin changed her dress and wore a simple shirt, the style of which was no different from that of men, in order to facilitate entering and leaving the military camp.

In the cold wind, the soldiers stood on the training ground and waited for Bai Heyan to take Bai Qingyin to the military parade. Bai Heyan's father and daughter did not move at all during a stick of incense, so they waited for a full stick of incense in the cold wind. Not the slightest complaint.

"Da da da da da."

The sound of horses' hooves came, and the soldiers on both sides of the barracks saw the person coming, and immediately said: "The Protector is here."

Bai Qingyin and Bai Heyan immediately looked at them, and Chen Weizhi and his subordinates were still standing there, not moving at all.

Sheng Jingmo dismounted and led his followers into the high platform. Bai Qingyin immediately asked, "Why are you here so late?"

Sheng Jingmo glanced back at Yun Ting dressed up in disguise, a hint of helplessness appeared in his eyes, and whispered, "The people behind him are too weak, the equestrian skills are too poor, they can't keep up with my pace, they just walk slowly."

Bai Qingyin looked at Yun Ting, who was feeling guilty behind him, and said, "He was seriously injured before, maybe he still hasn't recovered from the serious injury, so his physical strength is not as good as ordinary people."

As she said that, she looked at Yun Ting and ordered, "Come forward and take a good look at how the soldiers below practice, and exercise more in the future."

"Yes." Yun Ting turned back, and then walked straight ahead, carefully identifying who was the person he met at the Yuntan Music Club that day.

Bai Heyan didn't expect that his daughter would let Yun Ting walk in front of people with a single word, and his eyes were filled with relief.

Sheng Jingmo came to Yun Ting and asked, "Can you find the person who appeared that day, is he in the audience?"

The soldiers behind Sheng Jingmo stood on both sides and did not dare to approach Sheng Jingmo.

Yun Ting stared at the soldiers on the stage, shook his head, and whispered, "No, none of the soldiers under the stage are the soldiers I've seen in the Qu Club."

"Duke Protector, may I ask which general is not here?" Yun Ting asked in a low voice.

He personally heard another person call him General Chen, Chen Weizhi, and he definitely heard it right.

Standing beside Sheng Jingmo, Bai Heyan heard Yun Ting's question and said, "Everyone who should come has come."

Bai Qingyin sighed and said: "Since there is no one you saw in the audience that day, we will set up a tent and re-analyze this matter to see what went wrong or what is behind this incident. What conspiracy is there?"

When the words fell, she looked at Sheng Jingmo Bai Heyan and asked, "Dad, what do you think of Brother Jingmo?"

The two nodded: that's the only way to go now.

in tent

The four of them sat on small chairs and benches, with Sheng Jingmo's confidant and Bai Heyan's capable generals guarding outside the tent.

Seeing the silence of several people, Yun Ting opened his mouth to defend himself: "You believe me, what I said is what I heard and saw with my own eyes."

Seeing Yun Ting's terrified expression, Bai Qingyin knew that he thought they had misunderstood him, and said, "Young Master Yun Ting, we believe what you said."

"But the world is dangerous. What you see and hear is most likely because people want you to see it and want you to hear it."

Bai Qingyin looked at Yun Ting and said again, "If you are sure of what you have seen with your own eyes, then it means that there must be someone behind this matter."

"Yes." Sheng Jingmo replied in a deep voice, and then said: "From today onwards, I will send the jar with good eyesight into the Yuntan Music Club to be your attendant. If you see that person again, I will let the attendant follow. "

Right now, only the third prince is still free, and this matter must be found out.

Whether they want to frame Chen Weizhi or hide people's eyes and ears, he must find out all the truth, and only then can they feel at ease.

Yun Ting nodded: "Okay."

This is the best way.

"The protector of the country, the prince, the county master, and General Liu Chengrong asked to see him. He heard that the old prince and the county master were in a military parade, and he brought a team of soldiers under his command to inspect the prince and the prince."

"Let them wait outside the door." Bai He Yan replied and said to the three of them, "Let's go out and have a look."

"Yes." The three immediately got up and stepped out of the tent.

Several people stepped out of the tent, and the moment Yun Ting raised his eyes and saw Liu Chengrong, he froze in place.

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