The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 298 I don't want to see him

Xuan'an Hall

Emperor Jia Ning looked at Bai Qingyin, who was standing beside him, and asked softly, "Yinyin, what's going on outside now?"

"How many spies have been found? Have secrets been found out from their mouths."

Emperor Jia Ning looked at Bai Qingyin, and there was a trace of sadness and forbearance in his eyes. He wanted to solve this matter completely, but he hoped that everything was his own delusion, and that Li Nanchen was innocent.

He sincerely hopes that there is such a person who will not let him down.

Bai Qingyin looked back at Emperor Jia Ning, and replied softly, "Uncle, most of the people caught have committed suicide, and some have committed suicide before they were found."

Bai Qingyin quietly looked out the window and said to herself: I didn't expect Li Nanchen to have so many dead people.

She underestimated Li Nanchen's ability, how he would bewitch others and let them sacrifice their lives for him.

Emperor Jia Ning leaned gently on the dragon chair and asked in a low voice, "I didn't expect so many people to work for him."

He has such ability and means, why don't he want to do wrong and touch his bottom line on the right path?
Seeing that Emperor Jia Ning didn't speak, Bai Qingyin said softly, "Uncle, this is the case, don't think about it too much."

He's hiding too deep!

"What we should think about most now is how to solve this matter?" Bai Qingyin squatted beside Emperor Jia Ning and whispered, "Uncle, tell me, if you plan to investigate this matter thoroughly, you still need to leave some leeway. ?"

But Emperor Jia Ning said, "This time he did something very secretive. We're afraid we won't be able to do anything."

"You go and inform Jingmo and let him get rid of the spies in the palace."

Bai Qingyin immediately objected: "If we kill everyone, won't we find evidence?"

"It doesn't matter if he can't find the evidence, we'll let him show himself." Emperor Jia Ning looked down at Bai Qingyin and reminded softly, "This time he lost completely, and next time he will go all out. We can capture him and convict him directly."

Up to now, if he can't bear to start, then he is not qualified to be the emperor of Dongyuan, and he can't let Li Nanchen harm the Dongyuan country.

Bai Qingyin said softly, "Uncle, I know what to do?"

"At that time, only you and Jingmo will be wronged." Emperor Jia Ning sighed and said, "Let's go out!"

Jingmo cannot be left alone to face all the gossip and official pressure.

Bai Qingyin stood up and stroked Emperor Jia Ning's arm to help him get up: "Uncle, let's go out!"

Emperor Jia Ning looked at Bai Qingyin who was taking care of him carefully, and said with a smile, "Don't be so careful, my poison has been cured. You can rest assured."

Bai Qingyin nodded lightly, but was still a little worried: "Uncle, you still need to pay attention. Your body is related to the foundation of Dongyuan, so you must not be in trouble."

When Emperor Jianing stepped out of the gate of Xuan'an Hall, there was no one in front of Sheng Jingmo, and all the spies in the palace committed suicide.

"How many people died?" Emperor Jia Ning looked at Sheng Jingmo and asked softly.

"See Your Majesty." Sheng Jingmo immediately turned his head and saluted, and replied softly: "A total of 21 people committed suicide today."

Emperor Jia Ning sighed and said, "This is the end of the matter. Open the door and let all the ministers outside the door come in!"

"I still have something to tell them to complete."

"Yes." Sheng Jingmo returned and walked towards Xue Yaoan.

The gate of the imperial city opened, and Cheng Rubi stepped into the imperial city, followed by Wu Tongzhou, Li Wenzheng, Cheng Fan and others.

The corpses of the spies were not cleaned up, they were laid out one by one and exposed to the public.

Cheng Rubi and the others saw these corpses as soon as they stepped on the main entrance of Xuan'an Hall, and then they quickly covered their eyes in shock, knelt down and said, "See Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty, long live, long live."

"Flat body." Emperor Jia Ning waved his hand, glanced at the corpse on the ground, and said, "Look at these people on the ground, recognize them for yourself, see if you have contacted them, and take the initiative to explain the content of Zeng Jin's conversation."

"If you don't take the initiative and are found out later, I promise to make your life worse than death."

Minister of Civil and Military got up: "Follow the order."

Some officials are engaged in civilian jobs and have never seen a dead person. Today, seeing so many corpses lying on the ground, they are very frightened.But in the face of Emperor Jia Ning's threat, they could only suppress the fear in their hearts and carefully identify the corpse lying on the ground.

"Your Majesty, just now, a dozen adults led by Lord Lu outside Caimen spread rumors in public that the county master was besieging the palace and conspiracy to take the throne, and they also said that they would welcome back the third prince." Seeing that no one was willing to admit it, Wu Tongzhou immediately went up to his office. The front will expose the words and deeds of the outsiders one by one.

"Your Majesty, forgive your sins. The ministers are brave and loyal, serving the country and the people. What worries about is His Majesty's health, and what is worried about is Dongyuan Jiangshan." Lu Ming immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty, showing his loyalty, trying to confuse the public and confuse them to pass the test.

In the face of such remarks, Emperor Jia Ning sneered: "Do you believe what you say?"

Lu Ming and others immediately said, "I am worried about Your Majesty's body."

"Your Majesty is seriously ill, and there is only the third prince under his knees. The first thing that came to mind is to invite the third prince to preside over the overall situation."

"It's really just words." Cheng Rubi glanced at the person kneeling on the ground lightly, and sneered: "You have only been an official for a few days, and you only use these trivial tricks, you think you can fool them. Who?"

"Those who are clean will be clear, those who are turbid will be turbid. I will not defend myself any longer." Lu Ming replied in a deep voice.

Bai Qingyin looked down at the few people who pretended to be innocent, and said, "In that case, Brother Jingmo, you will bring these people to your military camp to be tortured."

After the words fell, she looked at Lu Ming and said with a smile: "I want to see how much he is loyal and loyal, so who is he?"

"Okay, just follow the tone!" Emperor Jia Ning was overjoyed, and then said, "Jing Mo, take them away."

"But before taking them to prison, take them to see Li Nanchen. After all, I'm afraid they won't have the chance to meet in the future!"

"I will never disgrace my mission!" Sheng Jingmo clasped his fists and replied.

"I'm waiting for your good news." Emperor Jia Ning smiled slightly.

Sheng Jingmo turned around, Cheng Fan led the soldiers to grab the courtiers who were kneeling on the ground, tied their hands, and led them to the Third Prince's Mansion.

Bai Qingyin looked at their retreating backs and said to Emperor Jia Ning, "Uncle, won't you come and have a look?"

If he could hear Li Nanchen express his thoughts, his uncle could quarrel with him and scold him.

This will give my uncle a lot of relief.

Emperor Jia Ning shook his head: "Forget it, what should have been said has already been said."

"I don't want to see him now."

"You all kneel down too! I want to be alone." After he finished speaking, he turned around and returned to Xuan'an Hall.

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