Chapter 311

Sheng Jingmo glanced at the little girl and said, "Don't ask so many questions, let's see what Eunuch Cui has to say."

If they can get a map, they can save a lot of trouble.As for what Li Nanbo used to threaten Eunuch Cui, he couldn't explain it to Bai Qingyin.

He couldn't explain it either.

Bai Qingyin saw that Sheng Jingmo's face was troubled, and Yuemo also knew that he had asked a question that should not have been asked, and stood quietly waiting for the movement in front of him.

Li Nanbo looked at Eunuch Cui with bright eyes, waiting for Eunuch Cui's answer: "Tell me, where is the map?"

Eunuch Cui looked at Li Nanbo with a trace of struggle in his eyes: "You do what you say."

"I have nothing else to ask for now, I just want my own children to grow up safely, as long as you hand over the topographic map of the secret road so that Sheng Jingmo can get rid of Li Nanchen, I will tell you the whereabouts of the things you care about. "Li Nanbo promised in a deep voice.

"I don't have any blueprints. I dedicated them to the third prince's mother and concubine 20 years ago." Eunuch Cui told the truth.

"Then you can draw the landforms based on your own memory. You must remember those routes and draw those routes." Li Nanbo threatened coldly, a trace of killing intent flickered in his eyes.

"Cui, if you can't draw the drawings of the underground palace, I will strangle you now, so that you will never be buried with your treasure."

After the words fell, Li Nanbo's hand was tightly pinched on Eunuch Cui's neck, but he still gave him a breath, making him fall into endless panic and could not break free.

There have been countless opportunities for Eunuch Cui to stop him from killing people, but he didn't stop him. He even stood by and watched silently, invisibly deepening the hostility in his heart.Let him get too much blood on his hands, and let him get further and further from that position.

What he has encountered now is his retribution, and he deserves it!
Cui father-in-law raised his hand and slammed Li Nanbo's hand away: "I only remember a few key intersections."

Li Nanbo then stopped: "Then tell me the specific location."

"No, you have to tell me where my baby is, give it back to me, and I'll tell you where the main intersections are."

"You are not qualified to negotiate with me." Sheng Jingmo replied coldly, and then threatened: "You must know that I have found the locations of several exits in the city, but Li Nanchen blew up those exits and even added them. Poison gas, there is no way for me to continue digging, otherwise I would have drawn a brand new topographic map."

"The exits you remember may not be as many as I have found." Sheng Jingmo took the little girl's hand, came to Eunuch Cui, and said solemnly: "If you can tell me the location of an exit that I don't know. , I can bury you and your baby together."

Eunuch Cui raised his eyes suddenly and looked at Sheng Jingmo with burning eyes.There is struggle, expectation, and a trace of distrust in the bottom of his eyes.

Bai Qingyin said: "You should know that the military orders are like mountains, and Sheng Jingmo wants to make a promise, you can rest assured."

Eunuch Cui struggled to get up, went to the desk, picked up the brush on the table, and drew the exits in his memory one by one.

He was seriously injured, and with trembling hands, he handed the paper to Bai Qingyin: "Your Highness, you are a gentle person. Please, no matter what, please complete my complete burial."

"I have been a eunuch all my life, and I have been scorned by others. I don't want to repeat this way in my next life."

Bai Qingyin looked at Eunuch Cui and said, "If there is a cause, there will be an effect. What if you helped Zhou in this life and was buried in a complete burial?"

"You can guarantee that you can be reincarnated, even if you really have an afterlife, how can you be sure that you can still be a human being?"

Eunuch Cui sat on the spot and didn't know what to say, and the pain from his neck did not awaken his consciousness.

He just wanted to repay his gratitude, why did he get to where he is today.

The people he raised with his own hands hated him, the people he faithfully protected didn't care about him, how could he have lived like this.

Bai Qingyin looked at Eunuch Cui, and finally nodded, and said softly, "I allow you to be buried completely in the future."

The hatred in this life does not need to be implicated in the next life, it is enough to end it in this life.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness." Eunuch Cui knelt down and bowed, tears blurring his eyes.

Sheng Jingmo glanced coldly at the two in front of him, and said solemnly: "Eunuch Cui, the county master has all your heart, should you also give the county master a return."

Eunuch Cui raised his eyes to look at Bai Qingyin, and then bowed again: "Thank you, Your Highness, the county master. As long as His Royal Highness is willing to keep the whole body of the third prince, the old slave is willing to submit all the evidence."

"What evidence?" Bai Qingyin asked again.

Since it is exchanged, the answer he gives has to be handed out.

"The third prince once ordered Ning Xiang's son Ning Yi to steal the map of the garrison of Xiliang City in the hands of the old prince." Eunuch Cui lowered his head.

"You want to attack my father?" Bai Qingyin was furious, wishing to kill the person in front of him now.

The father in the previous life was really killed by the third prince.

Sheng Jingmo hurriedly held her in his arms: "Don't get angry, we are now looking for the truth."

"Say, what evidence do you have?" Sheng Jingmo hurriedly spoke, not to make Bai Qingyin angry.

Eunuch Cui lowered his head and whispered, "The letter is in my hands."

"He's smart, and he has turned so many hands." Bai Qingyin sneered, clenching his palms, and a trace of killing intent flickered in his eyes.

"What other evidence do you have, and hand it over together. Otherwise, the county lord will allow you to be completely dead, and I don't agree." Seeing Bai Qingyin's anger, Sheng Jingmo asked Eunuch Cui: "Tell me, Li Nan. Which general does Chen have contact with? Who is the person who colluded with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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