The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 319 The General Who Rebels

"I can't complain that Sheng Jingmo is so cunning and cunning at such a young age that he threatens people, so he all learned from you?" Qu Hong frowned.

These one or two actually threatened him with one thing, and in the end they let no one live!

Sheng Ze glanced at the furious Qu Hong, and said, "Qu Hong, isn't it your duty as a minister to protect the future crown prince?"

"Don't you know how good your son is? Does he need me to protect him?" Qu Hong asked.

"I don't care, you must protect my son and daughter-in-law." Sheng Ze roared hoarsely, startling Qu Hong.

Qu Hongqi's words were incoherent: "I will tell my wife frankly when I come home after this battle. I will see how your father and son will threaten me in the future."

Saying that, he jumped off the tall building...

Sheng Ze looked at Qu Hong's figure fighting against others, feeling ashamed but still secretly relieved.

He knew that he had gone too far, but today he can only threaten Qu Hong to go down to save his son.

Bai Qingyin was guarded by Sheng Jingmo and did not dare to relax in the slightest. He held the sword to protect Sheng Jingmo and did not give anyone a chance to approach Sheng Jingmo. The soldiers behind him saw that Bai Qingyin was protecting Sheng Jingmo. , did not dare to approach Bai Qingyin, and could only rush forward.

Li Nanchen and his mother killed the most, followed by the masked general. Sheng Jingmo took Bai Qingyin's waist and jumped to the masked general.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
After getting rid of the masked general, Li Nanchen and his mother should not be afraid no matter how powerful they are.

Compared to getting rid of the masked general, what the two of them want to know more is who is this general?

Sheng Jingmo approached the masked general's helmet, and wanted to take off his mask, the other party could clearly feel Sheng Jingmo's intention, and said coldly, "Sheng Jingmo, since you entered the military camp, I have been thinking about when. To be able to face you face to face for a while."

"That's why you chose to assist Li Nanchen?" Sheng Jingmo asked rhetorically.

He had a lot of confusion about this person in front of him.

Things have come to this point today, and His Majesty's imperial decree to confer Yinyin as the crown princess has just been read out. Why do these people still have to gamble?
There is an army of 50 behind Yinyin, his magic trick army, His Majesty's villains, and the old prince's personal guards. Anyone with a brain should not oppose Yinyin.

There are many invisible hands behind Yinyin pushing her forward. No one can shake this kind of power, not even His Majesty can stop it, let alone a destitute prince and a general who dare not show his face.

Suddenly the door opened, Cheng Fan and Cheng Shiyu rode their horses into the imperial city, shouting, "Your Majesty, Cheng Zhi of the rebel general."

Cheng Zhi, Cheng Shiyu's second uncle, the only military general in the Cheng family, Cheng Shiyu returned to his old house to raise a baby, and accidentally found that his second uncle was different from what he remembered.

She didn't show any strangeness, as if she didn't notice the slightest strangeness, she raised the baby with peace of mind, and every day she changed the maids to go out to do errands, and silently monitored every move in the house.

Cheng Zhi never suspected that those humble maids would monitor them, and he never thought that Cheng Shiyu would suspect that he was the general who colluded with Li Nanchen because of his frequent outings.

Cheng Shiyu was suspicious of Cheng Zhi, but Cheng Zhi suddenly found an excuse to leave the mansion, and the soldiers under his command left at the same time.

As soon as Cheng Zhi left, Cheng Shiyu stepped out of Cheng's old house to inquire about the expenses of Cheng Zhi's soldiers. Geng Jie was convinced of what she thought. She was afraid that the situation in the capital would change, so she took her servants to find an excuse to rush back to the capital. Send a letter to Cheng Fan.

Knowing that the capital was in chaos, she did not directly look for Cheng Fan and Sheng Jingmo, because she was afraid that someone would monitor them, so she found her father in a roundabout way, told Cheng Taifu everything, and then took the Cheng family to the imperial city to find Cheng Fan.

Cheng Zhi's rebellion will implicate the Cheng family, and they must stand behind Bai Qingyin and make up for it in order to save the Cheng family.

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