Chapter 239 Who Do You Love (43)


The two waited for a while, but before Lu Chen arrived, Nan Xin became anxious and wanted to stand up and run back to check the situation.

Xi Qing grabbed her quickly, her expression changed, "Where are you going? It's dangerous to run out!"

Nan Xin wanted to break free from his hand, but she didn't have enough strength, so she had to explain: "I'm going to find brother Lu Chen."

Xi Qing said softly to her, "We'll just wait here, it's dangerous to go back."

Nan Xin pursed her lips, wrinkled her small face, and looked out of the grass with a worried expression.

Suddenly, she vaguely saw a figure, vague and a little far away, but she could tell it was Lu Chen at a glance.

She immediately poked her head out and waved her two short hands vigorously in his direction.

Lu Chen saw her from a distance, froze for a moment, and then ran over immediately.

"Brother Lu Chen! Why are you so slow?"

Lu Chen explained: "It took a little detour and took some time."

Nan Xin: "Oooh."

Lu Chen carried Nan Xin on his back as usual, and ran away with Xi Qing, "We have to hurry up, they will find out soon."

Xi Qing nodded and quickened her pace.

I don't know how long they walked. The three of them were sweating under the sun. This place is on the mountain. They walked down the mountain for a long time before finally finding a house.

Lu Chen hadn't eaten for two days, was injured again, and carried Nan Xin on his back for so long, his physical strength was already exhausted.

Nan Xin said that he could come down and walk, but he refused, saying that it would be better if he carried her on her back if she couldn't walk fast.

Xi Qing: "Then let me recite it."

Lu Chen: "No, you don't have the strength."

Xi Qing was at a loss: "...I have strength."

Lu Chen didn't look at him, but still looked ahead, insisting, "You have no strength."

Xi Qing: "..."

These words made Xi Qing fall into self-doubt. Could it be that he really has no strength?

Nan Xin suggested: "There is a house in front, let's ask if there is any water?"

It's been so long, I haven't drank a drop of water, the sun is so poisonous, people feel dizzy and dizzy after being exposed for a long time, and it's unbearable at such a young age to continue like this.

Lu Chen nodded and agreed: "Okay."

The three of them walked to the door of that family, knocked on the door twice, and waited for a while before an old man came out.

He looked at the three of them, with obvious wrinkles on his face, and asked them a word in dialect.

Several people didn't understand, but Nan Xin almost guessed the meaning, and replied: "Grandpa, we are very thirsty, can you give us some water?"

The old man didn't know what he was talking about, but finally let them in, took out three iron cups, and poured them a full glass of water.

The three of them didn't dislike it at all, they picked up the cups and drank it. The water was probably from a well, it had a faint sweet taste, and it was ice cold. Drinking it on this hot day was very thirst quenching.

Putting down the cup after drinking, Nan Xin wiped off the water stains on the corner of his mouth, raised a big smile, and said grandma: "Thank you, grandpa!"

Lu Chen and Xi Qing also thanked each other, but they felt like they were young and mature.

The sitting posture is upright, like two little adults, unlike Nan Xin's two short legs dangling in the air.

Looking at the three children, the old man asked in his not-so-standard Mandarin, "Where are you from? Where are your parents?"

The three of them glanced at each other, didn't speak, and didn't know what to say.

The old man didn't get angry when he didn't get the answer, he waved his hand and asked them again: "Are you hungry? Can I make you some noodles?"

Nan Xin nodded fiercely, she was already hungry, and her stomach growled several times, "Okay, I'll help you."

The old man was a little amused, "Do you know how to make noodles?"

Nan Xin: "Yes, I saw my aunt did it."

After thinking about it, she changed her words. After all, she is a young lady of the Nan family, so how could she cook noodles by herself, let alone at such a young age.

The old man laughed loudly, seeing the little girl getting more and more pleasing to the eye, he replied: "Okay, then come in and help me."

The kitchen is very simple, except for a kitchen knife, there is also a basket for vegetables. There is a large pot on the stove, and someone needs to burn wood.

"Those two kids, come over and help light the fire."

Lu Chen and Xi Qing agreed, and four people entered the small kitchen at once, making it very crowded.

The old man jokingly asked Nan Xin: "What is the first step in cooking noodles?"

Nan Xin: "Boil the water. When the water boils, put some salt and oil in the pot."

The old man: "Yo, not bad, I really know."

Nan Xin hummed and smiled, and directed his questions step by step.

If it wasn't that she was too short to reach the pot, otherwise she would cook it herself.

While burning firewood, Lu Chen fiddled with the fire twice, listening to the little girl's milky voice, which made it burn more vigorously.

At this moment, his whole body was still tense, and he didn't dare to relax for a second. The string in his mind was always tense, as if it would break in the next second.

But the next moment, Lu Chen's thoughts were pulled back by Nan Xin's voice. The little girl ran to him at some point, shook his sleeve and said:

"Brother Lu Chen, it's time to eat noodles."

Lu Chen nodded silently, followed her out, and returned to the room just now.

Four bowls of noodles have been placed on the wooden table, three small bowls and one big bowl. Although it looks very bland, it smells very fragrant.

Nan Xin: "Brother Lu Chen, come and eat, it's also my cooking."

The old man couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and pointed at Gui Xin, his face was wrinkled with kindness, "You little thing."

Nan Xin grinned, picked up the chopsticks and ate two mouthfuls. The taste was not as good as what she made herself, but the conditions here are limited after all, so it is already good to be able to make this taste.

Lu Chen also took a sip, and when he swallowed it, he couldn't help being stunned, and his eyes moved slightly to Nan Xin.

After eating quickly, Nan Xin wiped his mouth, looked at the old man again, and asked politely, "Grandpa, do you know where I can make a phone call?"

Lu Chen added: "Or where is the police station?"

The old man looked at the three of them, narrowed his eyes, and finally realized, "Did you escape from the traffickers?"

The three looked at each other and nodded.

The old man snorted, and couldn't help cursing: "This group of useless bastards, who do some shit that is beyond the law of nature, such people will die!"

Nan Xin at the back didn't quite understand it, but it wasn't a nice word anyway, just look at the old man's imposing manner and expression.

"I'll take you there, don't be afraid."

The old man kept his promise and immediately took them to the local police station.

Later, the three of them returned home.

Lu Chen didn't remember Nan Xin.

So I don't remember how he escaped.


At this point, Nan Xin woke up faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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