The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 10 Give You Immortal Qi

Chapter 10 Give You Immortal Qi
throw it away?

Looking at that crying little face, everyone's hearts sank.

Yu Yuanyuan's milky appearance is like a little angel in reality, who would be willing to throw away such a cute baby?

Even Yu Mingxi felt heavy in his heart, which was very unpleasant.

Even though he didn't understand why Yu Yuanyuan insisted on calling his father his father, this little guy was quite pitiful, just looking at her clothes and messy hair was enough to arouse sympathy.

In the whole house, only Yu Yingze folded his arms, dismissing Yu Yuanyuan's crying offensive, and snorted coldly to stop talking.

Crying is crying, but this little milk bag is crying very "quietly", as if afraid of disturbing people, just twitching and sniffing, eyes are red, and tears quickly make his face like a little dirty cat.

For some reason, the past buried in Yu Mingxi's heart was suddenly pulled out, the world was like a tightly tied plastic bag, and the air became thinner and thinner.

"Mingxi?" Yu Jinxiao was the first to realize something was wrong, turned around and rushed upstairs.

The servants crowded around nervously and eagerly, and the house was in chaos.

The young master's asthma has stabilized a lot, why did he suddenly...

Even though there was air all around, Yu Mingxi's heart heaved desperately, but he couldn't catch even a trace of oxygen.

He opened his mouth in pain, making Yu Yuanyuan think of fish out of water in fairyland.

Often the way they look is because they are dying, breathing heavily, and finally... not moving anymore.

"Wow——" A pitiful cry suddenly exploded beside him.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was crying cautiously just now, seemed to be terrified. A small ball knelt on the ground and patted Yu Mingxi's head lightly: "Brother, are you feeling unwell? , Yuanyuan will give you all the immortal energy... woo woo woo, brother don't die."

Yu Mingxi looks exactly like her black panther brother in Wonderland, how can a child completely separate feelings from reality, seeing Yu Mingxi's painful look just now, scared meow souls to fly away.

She immediately remembered that her claws could bring good luck, and quickly patted Yu Mingxi on the head.

The consciousness was already a little fuzzy, but the gentle touches on the head made Yu Mingxi feel a kind of warmth spreading from the top of the head, and the tension and discomfort in the body and spirit seemed to be miraculously relieved.

Yu Jinxiao quickly grabbed a bottle and brought it to Yu Mingxi's mouth: "Quick!"

After taking the medicine, Yu Mingxi's breathing gradually stabilized with an ugly face.

"Brother, how are you?" Yu Yingze, who was rolling around arrogantly just now, also squatted obediently beside him, holding his brother's hand nervously, his small face wrinkled and crowded together, as if he wanted to cry sadly.

Finally, breathing became much smoother. As soon as Yu Mingxi recovered, he tried his best to smile and reassure everyone: "I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry."

With tears in her eyes, Yu Yuanyuan was still working diligently to transfer the "blessing", Yu Yingze slapped her hand away in annoyance, and shouted fiercely: "What are you shooting, stop shooting, don't bother brother."

Yuanyuan's little hand, which was as white as a carrot, turned red when she touched it, and the numbness and pain made Yuanyuan feel wronged and wanted to cry.

But... her brother seems to be very sad, she doesn't want to disturb him.

"Yuanyuan, brother just felt Yuanyuan's immortal energy!" A pair of slightly cool hands gently grasped the back of her numb red hands, Yu Yuanyuan raised her head with red eyes, and met Yu Mingxi's smiling face, " Don't cry, Yuanyuan, tell brother what kind of fairy you are?"

(End of this chapter)

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