The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1000 Tearing Your Mouths

Chapter 1000 Tearing Your Mouths
"For those who don't know, please don't talk nonsense. Yuanyuan is a very kind and cute kid. She is never mischievous or bullying!"

He Chen also specially added a meow emoji of "If you can't speak, just stick your mouth".

In fact, he had already joined the film crew, so he didn't have time to watch the messy things on the Internet.

But just after the filming break, someone asked him about the filming of the show.

It was only then that He Chen realized that there was such a trend on the Internet, which made him baffled.

Such a cute kid like Yuanyuan, but there are people who hate him?

Besides that guy Qiu Ruitian, who else? ?

Qiu Ruitian seemed like everyone in the program would think of him, but he didn't care. After all, under his control, his advantage was rising. Even if someone spoke to Yu Yuanyuan, it seemed that those people were threatened by Yu Jinxiao .

When this rhythm brings a certain amount, it is not possible to reverse it in a large range casually.

Everything about everyone is developing in the most unfavorable direction for Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan.

In Shen Ji's room, four children were sitting together, and they had just finished a round of online expeditions.

Yu Mingxi was so angry that he went upstairs to get medicine once, and he almost couldn't catch his breath.

Fearing that something would happen to him, Yu Yingze and Shen Ji forcibly confiscated his mobile phone, stopped the scolding by themselves, and sent Yu Mingxi to play with Xiao Zai Zai.

The little guy sitting alone on the carpet and making toys is very quiet and worry-free. It seems that as long as she is with her brothers, she can play happily for a long time.

Touching the little head in front of him, Yu Mingxi sighed helplessly: "How can there be anyone in this world who doesn't like Yuanyuan? Yuanyuan is so cute and kind!"

The little guy who was holding the toy raised his head: "What's the matter, brother? Who doesn't like Yuanyuan?"

The little girl looked a little nervous, as if worried about the situation.

Yu Mingxi squeezed out a smile and hooked her nose: "No, that was an exclamation just now, which means that everyone likes Yuanyuan!"

"Hey hey, Yuanyuan also likes brother~" The little guy finished laughing in a childish voice, and another person picked up the little doll and dubbed them.

Looking at the innocent and cute little guy, Yu Mingxi really didn't understand how bad a person would use this twisted way to discredit a child.

"Wow, He Chen posted on Weibo!" Yu Yingze quickly clicked on it, and after reading the content he posted, he gave a thumbs up, "It's really a show of loyalty!"

But when I clicked on the comments, the direction of the wind below was a bit different from what they thought.

He Chen's fans are all relatively Buddhist, and their combat power is obviously insufficient, so they were taken over by some accounts that showed the characteristics of the navy in a short while.

Looking at the struggling fans in the sea of ​​water, Yu Yingze suddenly sympathized with He Chen and his fans.

Even though they tried desperately to get back the meaning of He Chen's Weibo, they were still overwhelmed by the group of people who deliberately set the rhythm.

"If someone said that this was not arranged by someone, I absolutely don't believe it." After Yu Yingze finished speaking in a low voice, he paid attention to He Chen and Xie Xin.

As soon as he finished speaking, he met Shen Ji and Yu Mingxi's approving eyes.

"Ding dong!" The voice of the new Weibo rang again, it was a Weibo posted by someone who had already followed.

It was sent by He Chen again!

"There's a lot of drama, right? So many kidnappings and threats? Yuanyuan is cute and kind. I like a cute kid like Yuanyuan the most! If you talk nonsense, I'll tear your mouths apart."

(End of this chapter)

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