The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1032 How lonely it should be...

Chapter 1032 How lonely it should be...

This night, Yu Zaizai helped Shen Ji's elder brother count the money in his dream, but there was too much money, much, much more than her pocket money, and she was dizzy from counting.

When I woke up the next day, I was still awakened by the long-lost sunlight.

During the winter vacation, she can sleep until she wakes up naturally, but Yu Yuanyuan's natural awakening is only at eight o'clock.

The little guy staggered downstairs and wanted to find Aunt Chen for breakfast, but before he got there, he heard conversations in the kitchen.

"Did Shen Ji go home yesterday?"

"Yes," said Uncle Yang, "Mr. Yu asked me to send my luggage to Shen's house. I really didn't expect that Shen Juya to be Shen Ji's biological father."

"Damn it? Is that Shen Juya who is worth hundreds of billions and has been developing abroad?"

"It's him, why are you surprised? Our Mr. Yu is worth more than him."

"No, I was surprised that he was Shen Ji's biological father, so why didn't he bring Shen Ji home and put him in the foster care of that uncle?"

Uncle Yang sighed: "Shen Ji's child is really suffering. Before he was born, Shen Zhuoya asked someone to make a fortune for him, saying that this child is the fate of a lonely star. Once born, he will kill his relatives. You have to wait until after your 11th birthday to get him back with you."

"Shen Juya didn't believe it at first, but it was just a coincidence that Shen Ji was only a month old when his mother died of a serious illness, and Shen Juya also fell into a serious illness."

"It's okay for Shen Juya not to believe in evil. Shen Ji has not yet reached the full moon, so he immediately found a family to send him there."

"The fortune teller said that Shen Juya should not have too much relationship with him. The more involved, the more he will be involved. It is best not to meet or have any contact with him before the age of 11."

"That's it, Shen Ji was sent to other people's foster care. Shen Juiya asked someone to send a fee to his uncle's house regularly, which would expose his identity. The amount of money was also very restrained, not too much, and definitely not too little."

"I didn't expect Shen Ji's life experience to be like this..." Aunt Chen sighed again and again, "This child is really pitiful. He has no parents by his side since he was a child. How lonely he must be."

Yu Yuanyuan lay on her stomach by the kitchen door and listened to everything they had to say.

Although she didn't quite understand, she probably digested it and knew that brother Shen Ji was abandoned since he was a child, that's why he didn't have a father by his side.

It sounds like she has some difficulties, but Yu Yuanyuan still feels that brother Shen Ji is so pitiful.

He was not happy at all living in his uncle's house, and those people still bullied him!
"Yeah, Miss Yuanyuan, when were you there?" Aunt Chen turned her head and saw a little brain eavesdropping by the door.

Thinking of what she had discussed with Uncle Yang before, she went up to him nervously, picked up the breakfast she had prepared earlier, and prepared to change the subject.

But Xiao Zai Zai didn't fall for the trick, instead he stood up straight and asked, "Then...then brother Shen Ji is now in Fei's house, will he be bullied?"

Aunt Chen knew that Xiao Zai Zai was worried about Shen Ji, so she knelt down and hugged her to coax her: "Miss Yuanyuan, don't worry, it's different now. Shen Ji's father must have wanted to live a good life with him and take good care of him when he brought him home. .”

"That's good..." Yu Zaizai lowered his head, a little sullen.

Brother Shen Ji must have been very unhappy before, right?

After breakfast, Xiao Zai Zai sat on the carpet in the room, and sent a voice message to Shen Ji with his phone watch: "Brother Shen Ji is howling in the morning~~Brother Shen Ji is happy today?"

(End of this chapter)

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