The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1038 How about I go to Yu Jinxiao to mention the marriage

Chapter 1038 How about I go to Yu Jinxiao to mention the marriage
The little guy watched Shen Ji get into the car at the door, then waved to him, and went back to the house until the rear of the car was out of sight.

In the leaving car, although there were three people sitting there, it was as silent as death.

Shen Zhuoya was silent for a long time, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Yuanyuan is really interesting, so cute."

It turned out that he was so quiet for a long time because he was reminiscing about the conversation with Xiao Zai Zai just now.

Shen Ji didn't take it, just glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, and continued to look at the phone.

"You have a good relationship with that little Douding?" Shen Zhuoya asked again.

It is impossible for Shen Ji to regard the father who just came back yesterday as someone who can chat with him openly.

What's more, all these years, he has no affection for this father who was promised to be non-existent, and even has hatred that cannot be discarded.

He seemed to be used to living alone, but when he was alone, he would ask questions silently over and over again.

Why leave him alone?

Even the so-called "uncle" is just someone my father randomly finds. He doesn't know that Shen Ji is Shen Juya's son, otherwise he will definitely put on a flattering face.

In his view, Shen Ji is a burden, even if the other party gives money, but this burden is also a trouble, need to spend energy to take care of.

But among his peers, most of them are still cared for by their family members, but Shen Ji has never enjoyed all of this.

How could he not hate it?

Even though Shen Juya's excuse sounds reasonable, but hate is not a real thing, it is not something that can be thrown away just by throwing it away.

Even his name was given by a fortune teller.

Taboo, taboo.

Using this word seems to be able to counteract their so-called evil spirit.

Shen Zhuoya knew that it would take him a lot of time to pry open Shen Ji's frozen heart. This son who had been separated for 11 years was not so easy to get close to.

However, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he naturally knows how to handle people with different personalities.

"Since you like Yuanyuan so much, why don't I ask Yu Jinxiao about the marriage? Our Shen family also..."

Before Shen Zhuoya finished speaking, Shen Ji suddenly grabbed his collar excitedly.

"Don't bother Yuanyuan!"

The boy's eyes were red with rage, and there seemed to be uncontrollable anger burning deep in his pupils.

But Shen Zhuoya could clearly see that those fair cheeks gradually turned red.

"How can this be called annoying Yuanyuan?" Shen Juya pushed his hand away, not caring about Shen Ji's gaffe, "I can see that that little Douding also likes you very much, isn't this a good thing you love and I wish? "

"Yuanyuan is only three years old, don't bother her with your messy thoughts." Shen Ji dropped his hands and sat back on his seat.

The scenery outside the window was receding, and his mood seemed to be overwhelmed by the passing phantom.

"You will all grow up in the future, it's just a contract..."

"do not talk!"

"OK, don't talk, don't talk." Shen Zhuoya shrugged with a smile, nodded, and even his tone became a little helpless.

However, his goal was achieved.

It turned out that when Shen Ji ignored him, he could successfully arouse his response by pushing Yu Yuanyuan out.

Shen Zhuoya's fingers gently rubbed the corners of his lips, and he looked sideways at the car window, revealing a faint smile.

The sudden smell of gunpowder in the car made the driver dare not breathe, so he could only drive silently with his neck curled up.

Ten minutes later, Shen Ji seemed to have thought of something, and broke the silence on his own initiative.

"I warn you, don't say anything weird."

"What strange words?" Shen Zhuoya frowned, knowingly asked.

"It's a marriage or something... don't say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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