The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1065 I'm not very photogenic

Chapter 1065 I'm not very photogenic
"I can't pull it anymore, if I pull my pants again, they will fall off!" He Chen hurriedly pressed the little hand that was holding him.

The waistband of the trousers has reached the middle of the mermaid line, revealing his abdominal muscles. If he pulls the trousers down again, it will come out.

Some time ago, He Chen was depressed, couldn't eat and sleep well, and lost a little bit of weight. His body fat dropped another two points, and his muscle lines became more perfect.

Yu Jinxiao wrapped the rope around his waist and stepped on a section of the rope, as if he was a master of kung fu in the world, he calmly completed the whole process.

Someone originally wanted to take an ugly photo of him, but... Damn it! !

This man looks damn good even when he drinks saliva!
In contrast to He Chen, several people stared at the photo just taken and laughed.

Hearing the laughter on the other end, He Chen suddenly had a bad feeling, and his peripheral vision was gradually attracted by the other end.

The group of people had been holding up their cameras to take pictures just now, and they must have captured him...

After thinking about it, He Chen decided to go up and exchange the situation.

As he walked forward, he wiped off the sweat from his forehead and showed a business-specific smile: "Hello."

The two girls who were snickering while holding up their mobile phones suddenly stopped and raised their heads, just in time to meet He Chen's smile.

Because of the sweat, the sweat was slightly wet, and it stuck to his forehead a little scatteredly.

But the already excellent facial features on that face, without the erosion of cosmetics, looked clean and pure, as if he was the most perfect brother next door in memory.

Moreover, the brother next door has abdominal muscles and mermaid lines.

The girl was originally looking at the ugly photo of He Chen that she had just taken on her phone, when she suddenly subconsciously opened the video and recorded the video of him walking towards him.

Under the blessing of the sun, He Chen looked like a fallen prince, and the ugly photo just now seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"What... what's wrong?" the girl stammered with a little red cheeks.

"Excuse me, did you take a picture just now? Can you let me see it?" He Chen smiled so hard that people couldn't refuse. He is especially special today...with an irresistible magic power.

The girl accidentally opened the photo she had just taken and showed him the phone screen.

He Chen didn't touch the girl's phone rashly, but after seeing the photo on it, he suddenly fell silent.

The expression on the face is wonderful.

Who is this ugly ghost? ? ?Is it him? ?
Grinning vigorously, eyes squeezed together, it was simply ugly beyond the bottom line he could accept.

"These photos don't seem...too good-looking," He Chen moved his mind, and probed in a low voice, "It's not that you didn't take the photos well, it's that I'm not very photogenic."

"No, I think it's very interesting!" As a media person, the girl knew what he wanted to do as soon as she heard it.

Quickly from He Chen, the beautiful and sober girl immediately pinched the phone, her firm eyes did not show any retreat.

At first glance, it is determined that the photos will not be deleted.

He Chen didn't want to be bored either, so he gritted his teeth and sighed: "Okay."

At the end of the game, Yu Zaizai sat down on the small bench, unable to relax for a long time.

After she sat down, the fluffy down jacket bulged and rounded, looking like a small lantern from a distance.

"Oh, I'm tired of washing Yuanyuan," Yu Yuanyuan sighed, "I don't know what to eat for lunch."

Ding Miaomiao also sat aside in a daze: "I heard from Teacher Wang that I want to eat delicious food at noon today!"

"What's delicious?" Yu Yuanyuan shook her head, instantly rejuvenated.

(End of this chapter)

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