Chapter 107
"Yu Yuanyuan..." Yu Jinxiao's hostility was triggered in situ by the "crisis" in front of him, and his eyes were as cold as blades, falling on the little cub for a moment.

"Ah, it's dirty, you can't grab it." Yu Yuanyuan, who was so obedient, raised her hand high in cooperation.

Yu Jinxiao actually planned to go out and find a waitress to take Xiao Zai Zai to the bathroom to wash.

Whether it is him, Yu Mingxi, or Yu Yingze, it is not suitable for taking Xiao Zai Zai to the men's bathroom.

Going to the women's bathroom was even more impossible.

As soon as Yu Jinxiao went out, the waiter waiting at the door immediately found a young lady according to his request.

Working in a high-end restaurant, you can see and hear a lot of gossip that other people don't know.

But for the sake of their work and future, they must keep their mouths tight, and never spread what should not be said.

When she heard Yu Yuanyuan call Yu Jinxiao "Dad", the waitress didn't show any surprise, she just pretended she didn't hear it, and acted like a robot with no emotions.

"Baba, don't you want to take Yuanyuan to wash?" Xiao Zaizai raised his paw and watched Yu Jinxiao hand himself to the beautiful sister next to him.

"Men are not allowed to go to girls' bathroom, let this sister take you there, don't be naughty." Yu Jinxiao said coldly, his expression was very cold, and the word "ruthless" was capitalized all over his body.

But for some reason, the waitress felt that the legendary Jiangcheng "devil" was not as scary as she imagined.

Although they don't look straight at them, it's cute to pretend to be cold when talking to "daughter".

Everyone has their own protective colors, and for Yu Jinxiao, not showing obvious emotions is one of his armors.

"Sister, Yuanyuan's paws are super dirty, can they be cleaned?" Looking at the sticky and red backs of her hands, Yu Yuanyuan began to worry that she would turn into a little dirty cat.

The waitress made no attempt to strike up a conversation.

She found this job with great difficulty, and she had only been on the job for less than a month, and she didn't want to be fired on the spot just because she accidentally said something wrong.

She knew all too well how difficult it was for rich people.

These days, she has seen all kinds of annoying and difficult rich people, and often their children are the scariest and most difficult to deal with.

Say more and make more mistakes, pretending not to hear can save trouble.

Huh?Why doesn't my sister speak?

Yu Yuanyuan stared at her sister curiously for a while, with many small question marks popping up in her head.

Could it be that her voice is too low?

"Sister... sister! Yuan... Yuanyuan's claws... can! Wash! Dry! Clean!!" Taking a deep breath, Yu Yuanyuan tried to double the volume.

The lady had a headache.

She was obviously pretending to be dead, and this little cub insisted on talking to her?

"Yes, don't worry." The young lady squeezed out a commercial smile, cherishing words like gold.

Yu Yuanyuan looked at the paw dubiously until she walked into the bathroom.

As expected of a restroom in a high-end restaurant, the floor is always cleaned, so clean that it can reflect light.

There is no trace of water on the sink, and even the hand sanitizer on the side is custom-made by a luxury brand.

Yu Yuanyuan was too short, the young lady had no choice but to put her on the sink and ask her to squat down and wash her hands.

It had to be said that this was the first time she had seen such a dirty rich kid.

Often those families have trained their children's behavior and manners very early, and they pay great attention to etiquette, and children who make such a mess have already been beaten.

Yu Yuanyuan's hands were covered with sauces, which couldn't be washed off with clean water. The young lady specially used some hand sanitizer, squeezed it behind her palm and covered the back of the little guy's hand to help her scrub.

"Sister, the fragrance of washing claws is so fragrant," the little boy with social abuse syndrome couldn't stop his mouth for a moment, "it smells like flowers."

Saying that, Yu Yuanyuan bent over to smell her hand, brushed it, and the water from the faucet splashed the little boy's skirt.

The little sister's head boomed, and the two words "it's over" jumped out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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