The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1071 Boys Don't Hold Hands

Chapter 1071 Boys Don't Hold Hands
When there are no outsiders, Yu Yuanyuan pats Rainbow Fart, but Yu Jinxiao still feels at ease.

But in front of so many people, he always felt that Yu Yuanyuan had a sense of forced publicity.

Make him feel uncomfortable.

After eating and drinking, everyone gathered in the yard to bask in the sun together.

The group of media workers were also sitting together.

Some people have even started writing and organizing documents, wanting to publish first-hand information.

"Children, are you sleepy? Are you going to sleep?" Teacher Li came over and asked a few children and guests with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuanyuan yawned and raised her hand: "Ms. Li, Yuanyuan is sleepy~"

Hearing what she said, Su Zhirui also tugged on Yu Yuanyuan's clothes and whispered in agreement: "Me too."

Ding Miaomiao hadn't left yet, she stretched out her hand to hold Yu Yuanyuan's claws: "Yuanyuan, Ruirui, you can sleep with me! My current bed is so big!"

"Wow, okay, okay."

Other children were also invited, and Sun Chengyu and Ling Zi were also taken away by new friends they only met in the orphanage, leaving only Qiu Yang a little confused.

Is he not likable no matter where he is?

Even though he was as friendly as possible today...doesn't anyone consider him a friend?
Qiu Yang's small appearance looked a bit lost, standing there alone, seemed a little pitiful.

Yu Yuanyuan was led out by Ding Miaomiao, when she turned her head to look, she happened to meet Qiu Yang's disappointed gaze.

I used to have violent eyes, but I don't know when they started to become calmer. At this moment, there is nothing but depression and loneliness.

He never bothered to please people, and he didn't want to deliberately make friends.

It's just that some people have it, but he doesn't, so it's inevitable that I will feel depressed in my heart.

"Zhouzhou!" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly called out to the tall boy passing by, "Qiu Yang has no one to hold him!"

She raised her paw and tried to signal with her short fingers.

Zhou Zhou, who once bullied Yu Yuanyuan, felt ashamed, and immediately turned back as if to please her.

"I'll hold it, I'll hold it," Zhou Zhou said, grabbing Qiu Yang's hand, "Come on, go take a nap with us."

Qiu Yang didn't expect that little thing to notice his emotions, shrank his arms a little embarrassedly, and shook off Zhou Zhou's hand.

"Boys... don't hold hands! How embarrassing!"

When Zhou Zhou heard this, he patted Qiu Yang's shoulder with a quack smile: "If you don't hold it, you won't hold it."

The two little boys were fighting and walking towards the dormitory. I heard that the teachers had prepared a place for the children to take a nap.

Walking into the new dormitory, Yu Zaizai couldn't help sighing with a "wow".

The previously vacant rooms were cleared out. Instead of dozens of children living in one room, they changed into a room for six people. A small bedside table and a small lamp were placed next to each small bed.

Everyone also has their own small cabinets to put things in.

Compared with before, this place is completely new!
Even the cribs have been replaced with wooden cribs, which look much more comfortable than the tattered metal beds before.

Ding Miaomiao couldn't wait to show Yu Yuanyuan a tour of her sleeping place, raised her hand and pointed: "Look, Yuanyuan! This is my bed, isn't it bigger than before?"

"Yes! That's great!" Yu Yuanyuan clapped her paws in agreement.

Ding Miaomiao shook Yu Yuanyuan's hand: "It all depends on your father, he is a good person!"

When Yu Yuanyuan heard it, he smirked: "Baba is a good guy!"

(End of this chapter)

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