Chapter 1074
The girl deleted it in seconds, but someone still took a screenshot.

A phone call came from the company immediately, warning her not to express personal emotions and opinions in comments.

The girl pinched her mobile phone with a look of lovelessness on her face.

The companion smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "It's okay, I have done this kind of thing before, just get used to it."

What are you used to?Now the company's official Weibo has started a war...

She turned on the phone and took a look, then closed her eyes and locked the phone.

Forget it, she knew she shouldn't be so excited, and she never thought that one day she would want to speak for Yu Jinxiao.

The other guests heard that they went to the kitchen to help prepare afternoon snacks, and most of the cameramen also went to take pictures there.

After the children's nap is over, they can eat the small biscuits made by the guests, which is more meaningful than buying them.

Yu Yuanyuan was sleeping soundly, when suddenly a familiar scent of biscuits wafted over, the smell was still warm, it should be freshly baked!
Trying to open the eyes, the tip of the small nose sniffed: "It's a biscuit!"

Yu Yuanyuan originally wanted to wake up Ding Miaomiao and Su Zhirui to smell the biscuits together, and raised her hand to touch...Huh?Why is there no one on both sides?
It's over, did Miaomiao and Ruirui fall off the bed!
Xiao Zai Zai struggled to stand up, turned his head to both sides of the bed to look: "Miaomiao~ Ruirui~ are you under the bed?"

"I'm here!" Ding Miaomiao's voice floated from the bed next door, "Ms. Li said it's too crowded for everyone to sleep together."

"Oh, that's good, Yuanyuan thought she accidentally squeezed you all down," Yu Yuanyuan scratched her little head and asked with her messy hair, "Do you smell the biscuits?"

"I seem to smell it." Su Zhirui rubbed her eyes and replied.

The scent of biscuits is getting stronger and stronger, making your mouth water.

"Hey hey hey, there will definitely be biscuits to eat later, hey hey hey." Xiao Zaizai climbed out of bed by himself, put on his trousers and coat, and put the horns into his shoes.

But looking at the loose shoelaces, Yu Yuanyuan fell into deep thought.

Two seconds later, Yu Yuanyuan raised her head with a smile: "If you don't know how to tie it, then don't. I'll look for Baba later, hehehe~"

"Yuanyuan, where are you going?" Su Zhirui also wanted to try putting on clothes by herself, but she had never tried it before. Every time, someone else helped her put it on, making herself a mess.

Yu Yuanyuan has already walked to the door: "Yuanyuan goes to see if the biscuits are ready~~"

The little figure swayed out alone, following the smell towards the kitchen.

Yu Jinxiao was listening to them talking about something boring, when suddenly he saw a small familiar figure walking towards the kitchen.

Yu Yuanyuan?
But shouldn't she be sleeping?
Yu Jinxiao got up to follow, and sure enough, he saw the little figure walking towards the kitchen.

Now the smell of biscuits is wafting everywhere, Yu Jinxiao knows what awakened Yu Zai Zai without asking.

is food.

Her nose is the radar, and she can find one when she is looking for food.

Yu Jinxiao purposely remained silent, wanting to see what this little guy would do.

Arriving at the door of the kitchen, Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to squeeze in from the cameraman's legs: "Excuse me—are there any biscuits?"

The voices under discussion stopped abruptly, and a pair of surprised eyes turned to Yu Yuanyuan.

This was originally intended to be a surprise for the children when they woke up, why... Yu Yuanyuan came here? ?

"Yuanyuan..." He Chen immediately went up to smooth things over, "I can't eat now~ You go back to your room to sleep first, and call you when you can eat, okay?"

Yu Yuanyuan's small body was so unwavering for the first time: "It's okay, Yuanyuan can wait~"

(End of this chapter)

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