The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1076 Will it be poisoned?

Chapter 1076 Will it be poisoned?

"Yuanyuan ate one, share one with Baba~" Yu Yuanyuan tried to smile and looked very strange.

From the corner of Yu Jinxiao's eyes, he caught a glimpse of He Chen, the boy looked depressed, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

If he also refused to eat, I'm afraid he could slide to the ground like a deflated balloon on the spot.

"Don't plot against me." Yu Jinxiao lowered his voice and reminded Yu Yuanyuan in a low voice.

Yu Zaizai blinked his eyes: "No, it's really delicious!"

Finally, I heard Yuanyuan say it was delicious again!

He Chen was filled with anticipation again, and wanted to hear Yu Jinxiao's evaluation.

Later, these biscuits are to be distributed to the children. If they are not delicious, he can only...can only... eat them all and make them again.

Little Claw handed over the biscuit, waiting for Yu Jinxiao to bite.

Yu Jinxiao was wary of cheating, originally wanted to try to take a small bite and let it go, but the moment he opened his mouth to bite down, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly sent more than half of the biscuit into his mouth.

After taking this bite, Yu Jinxiao directly swallowed half of it.

The mouth is immediately surrounded by a strong bitter taste, and even the sweetness and milky aroma are not felt much.

It smells okay, but it's like chewing charcoal in your mouth.

Yu Jinxiao really wanted to find some words to deal with boasting, but his rationality prevented him from speaking such unprincipled nonsense.

Later, these biscuits are for children, so there is no point in persecuting those children.

"How is it, Mr. Yu, how does it taste?" He Chen asked the evaluation with full of expectation.

Yu Jinxiao tried hard to think about the words he expressed, and replied: "It's not delicious."

He Chen felt his head was split by something, and his fingers trembled: "Really...really?"

As for such a big reaction?

Yu Jinxiao had already considered his words just now, he deliberately avoided words like "unpalatable", "disgusting", and "garbage".

To give He Chen a look of despair just like that? ?

He Chen can't believe it, he looks pretty good, doesn't he?how come……

He rushed back to the kitchen to pick up a piece and gnawed it. After two bites, he found a trash can and vomited.

"Wow, what kind of smell is this? How could it be like this?" He Chen had a look of disbelief.

He doesn't know how to cook, and he doesn't even know enough seasonings, so let him learn to make biscuits, he has tried his best.

The reactions of Yu Jinxiao, Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen aroused everyone's curiosity, and they each took a try.

But as soon as I took a bite, I regretted it.

In order not to hurt He Chen's heart, they couldn't spit it all out in front of him.

"Why are these biscuits not sweet at all, did you put something wrong?" Jian Yiran, as a formidable actor, was barely able to stabilize her facial expression.

"It's not salty, what did you put in?" Jin Man spoke more directly, "Will it be poisonous?"

When she said this, the originally harmonious cooking atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The staff held back their laughter, and finally revealed the truth: "What He Chen released was monosodium glutamate."

He Chen: "??? It doesn't make sense, I want to put sugar!"

"What you got by accident just now is monosodium glutamate, I'm sure." The staff spoke firmly.

He Chen felt that strange taste lingering in his mouth for a long time, and after a few seconds of being stunned, he looked up to the sky and screamed: "Ah——why didn't you remind me!!!!"

The staff held back the twitching corners of their mouths: "We can't interfere with the normal shooting. The sudden explanation just now is to reassure everyone that this is not poisonous and will not be poisoned."

(End of this chapter)

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