The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1078 What do you want to ask?

Unexpectedly, this little glutinous rice ball actually has two faces!
With the biscuit, Yu Yuanyuan started to click again.

She finished one bag with a whimper, and continued to swallow her saliva while looking at the other two full bags.

"Yuanyuan... come here!" Jin Man stood there smiling and beckoning to Yu Yuanyuan.

When Xiao Zai Zai heard this, he immediately struggled to get off the ground, and Yu Jinxiao almost couldn't hold him.

As soon as her feet landed on the ground, Yu Yuanyuan happily ran forward and raised her claws.

Jin Man picked up one pack, two packs, three packs, four packs of biscuits and folded them in Yu Yuanyuan's palm.

Yu Yuanyuan let out a "wow" and said politely, "It's fine, it's fine if you have so many Yuanyuan~"

"Yuanyuan, share the biscuits with the older brothers and sisters over there right now!" Jin Man pointed to the resting place of the group of media people.

"Karma?" So it wasn't for Yuanyuan?

Yu Yuanyuan's grin froze, and her small face was frustrated: "Okay."

Holding the biscuit and walking over, Yu Yuanyuan lifted the biscuit up weakly: "Brother ~ sister~ eat biscuit~"

The cute little ball gave them biscuits, and they happily took them, and touched Yu Yuanyuan's head by the way: "Thank you, Yuanyuan."

"You're welcome." Yu Yuanyuan staggered back.

Seeing that she was back, Jin Man continued to put the biscuit bag in her hand.

Could it be for Yuanyuan this time?

Xiao Zai Zai suddenly got excited and straightened his back: "Hehehe..."

"Yuanyuan, please give these to the uncles over there!"

The little face that smiled happily was depressed for a second: "Okay."

After going back and forth several times, Yu Yuanyuan realized that the children had all become tool people, and she was also a tool child among the tool people.

Xie Xin said that the arrangement for the afternoon is very simple, this time the recording will end before dark.

It won't bother everyone in the orphanage for too long.

But the content to play in the afternoon is called Truth or Dare.

All the guests and children sat together and formed a big circle. Xie Xin suddenly took out a thing like a pointer and stuck it in the middle.

"Those who will be selected later can choose to play 'truth' or 'big adventure'," Xie Xin mainly explained to the children, "truth is to answer other people's questions with the truth, and big adventure is to be played by others. Whatever you say, you have to do what he says."


"However, our truth is a bit different from our big adventure." When Xie Xin showed a smirk, all the guests were trembling.

Jian Yiran held his forehead and smiled wryly: "Director Xie, have you thought of a new way to torture us?"

"I will give you two pieces of paper to write down the truth questions you want to ask and the 'big adventure' project." Xie Xin began to distribute pens and pieces of paper to everyone next to each other. Fold it, write your name and put it on the table here."

After hearing this, Yu Yuanyuan immediately raised her arms: "Hey...hey, what should I do if I can't write!"

"It's okay, there are staff here to help!"

"Oh!" Yu Yuanyuan nodded, already thinking about what to write.

In order to keep the mystery, Xie Xin started from Xing Junqian, everyone had to go to the other side of the table to write, and Yu Yuanyuan was the last one.

Sitting in a circle deliberately disturbs the positions of the children and their fathers, and deliberately keeps them from being together, which can promote everyone's interaction.

After everyone finished writing, Yu Zaizai got up from the cushion, staggered to the desk.

"Yuanyuan, what do you really want to ask?"

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