The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1080 What's going on in the children's minds!

Chapter 1080 What's going on in the children's minds!
Su Zhirui hung her head and thought for a long time, but no one urged her. They were both curious about what she would say and worried that she would be too embarrassing.

A few minutes later, Su Zhirui suddenly raised her head, and smiled a little: "I hate sending you the most!"

"Ah? Why?" Su Zhirui's father quickly hugged his daughter and asked.

"Because everyone is nice, and I like it very much. It's really announced, so choose me to send it~" Su Zhirui blinked her big kind eyes and shook her head, "Otherwise, I really don't know how to answer. .”

"Wow, Ruirui, you are so smart!" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly clapped her hands.

As soon as she moved, the others followed suit.

Yu Jinxiao looked at the group of little devils expressionlessly, wondering why he suddenly clapped his hands, wasn't it just to answer a question?

Although... her words really make people feel very warm, she is a kind and good child.

"It's okay, we all love Ruirui!" Yu Yuanyuan raised her paw, and she was the only one with the loudest voice, emphasizing loudly.

"Hehehe, thank you Yuanyuan!" Su Zhirui also raised her hand and shook her fingers, that movement was the same as Yu Yuanyuan's, as if it was an encrypted call between them.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt that the little glutinous rice balls were quite powerful.

Everyone who has a good relationship with her seems to always be influenced by her and gradually turn into a cub, which is also a skill.

"Then let's continue with the new game!" Xie Xin clapped his hands, and pressed the remote control to turn the pointer.

The pointer turned and turned, this time, it was actually aimed at He Chen.

He Chen moved his body a little uneasy, and adjusted his clothes at a loss to cover up his uneasiness: "Haha, it's me."

The pointer started to turn, turned and turned, and finally stopped in front of Yu Yuanyuan.

"Hey, it's Yuanyuan! Do you want to dismantle the question written by Yuanyuan!"

He Chen, who was already a little uneasy, saw that the question he was about to ask was written by Yu Yuanyuan, and his mind went bang, with a very bad premonition.

What Yu Yuanyuan wrote must not be a simple question!

The movement of the staff to open the note seemed to be slowing down, and all small movements were slowing down in He Chen's eyes: "Choose the truth or take a big risk?"

He Chen swallowed, and quickly filtered all kinds of ideas in his mind.

According to her understanding of Yu Yuanyuan, the big adventure is definitely not a simple brain circuit, and it is better to choose the truth and be safe.

"I choose the truth!"

After hearing this, the staff actually gave a "poof" on the spot.

With such a smile, He Chen felt strong regret in his heart.

Could it be that he was so unlucky to choose the worst choice? ? ?

"Yuanyuan's truth-telling question is...have you ever eaten papa?"

This is Yu Yuanyuan's problem?
eat papa? ? ?
Who will eat papa, hello!
What is going on in the children's minds!
No, maybe I should ask, what is going on in the mind of this kid Yu Yuanyuan! ! !
When He Chen heard this, he quickly waved his hands: "Of course I haven't eaten it, who would eat that kind of thing!"

This was Yu Yuanyuan's truthful question, she listened very carefully, and even observed He Chen's small movements.

"Brother Haoyi, are you telling the truth? Why do you look so dirty!" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly turned on the little detective mode, and started to analyze and question his reaction.

He Chen's heart was trembling: "Of course it's the truth, no one would eat that kind of thing, right?"

"That's hard to say." Yu Yuanyuan groaned and denied.

(End of this chapter)

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