The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1082 Baba looks like a brother

Chapter 1082 Baba looks like a brother
what? !

No choice but to take a big risk?
Yu Yuanyuan's truth-telling question is already outrageous, if you take a big risk...

Yu Jinxiao was really afraid that she would write an operation about eating poop.

Although he will definitely not let her get what she wants, this Yu Yuanyuan never disappoints, she is really good at messing with people.

Xie Xin ignored Yu Jinxiao's incredible expression, and directly announced the content of the big adventure.

"Handstand 10S!"

"Wow!" The children all made a shocked voice.

Probably because Yu Jinxiao has always been mature and stable, even in tug-of-war he has an unmoving temperament.

Now that he is suddenly asked to stand on his head, the children are looking forward to it.

Those little eyes looked straight at Yu Jinxiao, rubbed their hands together and waited for him to perform.

Wait, just handstand for 10s?

As long as it's not eating poop, eating insects, or eating weird things, it's easy to talk about anything.

But his attire... has very big restrictions on handstands.

If you are not careful, you may tear your pants with a hole when you turn them up.

At that time, I'm afraid it will be as embarrassing as eating papa.

"Yuanyuan wants to stand upside down! Stand upside down!" Yu Yuanyuan also booed from the side, completely ignoring Yu Jinxiao's eyes of wanting a swordsman.

How about writing a handstand!

"Mr. Yu's clothes are not suitable for handstands." He Chen immediately came out to make a rescue when he saw it, "It's not very convenient for such difficult movements."

"But, Xie Susu said that the 'big adventure' in this game must be done!" Yu Zaizai, who was eager to see Baba stand on his head, said without hesitation, "Baba should do it That's it."

Yu Jinxiao: "..." You still know that I am your father, so you still cheat on me?
"How about this?" Xie Xin let out a suggestion, "He Chen is wearing sweatpants, and you and Mr. Yu exchanged for each other?"

"Ah???" He Chen petrified on the spot.

"The children are all looking forward to it, we can't let them down." Xie Xin encouraged with a smirk.

All the friends sitting around nodded in agreement, they all wanted to see Yu Jinxiao stand on his head!

Not to mention the little friends, other guests also want to watch, but they dare not say it, they can only look forward to it in their hearts.

The little friend's gaze was so sincere that Yu Jinxiao, the fierce-looking demon king, couldn't bear to refuse.

After a while of silence, Yu Jinxiao stood up and compromised: "Let's go, change."

He Chen became more and more sluggish: "Oh."

He stood up almost instinctively, and went to the bathroom with Yu Jinxiao before he dared to ask: "Mr. Yu, are you really changing?"

"Otherwise?" Yu Jinxiao glanced at him, staring at He Chen with fear.

"If I accidentally wear your clothes...can I...can I afford it?" He Chen swallowed in fear, not even daring to pick up the suit jacket that Yu Jinxiao took off.

"If it's broken, it's broken." Yu Jinxiao was already starting to untie his tie, "You just don't want to change it back when the time comes. I don't wear broken clothes, you throw them in the trash can yourself."

He Chen nodded submissively: "Ah, yes, I understand."

Ten minutes later, He Chen and Yu Jinxiao came out after exchanging clothes.

As soon as the two of them appeared on the stage, the adults and children sitting at the game site all exclaimed in unison: "Wow——"

"Wow what?" He Chen thought he didn't dress properly, "I guess I didn't wear it wrong... I didn't button it wrong either."

Yu Yuanyuan, who was sitting on the floor mat, got up with a grunt, and ran over to hug Yu Jinxiao: "Baba looks like a big brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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