The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1093 It seems that 1 only wants a big leopard that eats people

Chapter 1093 Looks like a Big Leopard Who Eats People
Three heads of different heights looked at the phone screen, falling into a terrible silence.

Dad's body exuded a beast-like terrifying aura, which made Yu Yingze subconsciously take a few steps aside, not even wanting a cell phone.

In such an explosive situation, his breathing might cause a violent storm.

But that little idiot Yu Yuanyuan still stood there without moving, braving his brains and looking at the phone screen together, with a curious and puzzled expression on his face.

She didn't even notice that Yu Jinxiao's eyes had moved from the phone screen to her little head.

Yu Yingze felt that his father's gaze was a little scary, as if he wanted to give that little brain a slap.

Yu Yingze, who had originally made up his mind to run away first, was forced to turn back, and grabbed Yu Yuanyuan's paw with his small hand and gently pulled it.

Little Douding didn't realize the big problem, so he tilted his head and asked, "Second brother, what's the matter? There are so many characters on the phone screen, Yuanyuan only knows one character."

"Oh? You can still read?" Yu Jinxiao's voice floated down from above his head coldly.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't feel that there was any problem at all, and proudly put her hands on her hips: "Yes, Yuanyuan knows the word 'up', brother Shen Ji taught it."

"Hold on, Yu Yuanyuan!" Yu Yingze's voice was so frightened that his voice was distorted, and the little hand holding Yu Yuanyuan was trembling.

"Ah?" Yu Yuanyuan turned her head, her voice was as cheerful as ever, "Second brother, you called Yuanyuan by the wrong name."

Yu Yingze admired Yu Yuanyuan's psychological quality very much. Even though the air around her was filled with oppressive feeling, and she was surrounded by horrors as if death was approaching, she didn't realize it at all, and she was full of curiosity about that video.

If he hadn't pulled it, he doubted that Yu Yuanyuan would still be able to look at the phone in front of his father and be a small target.

"Then let me tell you what this sentence is talking about now." Yu Jinxiao moved the corner of his mouth with a half-smile, "The video has been uploaded successfully."

"Huh? The video shot by Yuanyuan was successfully uploaded? That's great!" Yu Yuanyuan, who was offline with the air reading function, only cared about her own happiness, raised her little claw and cheered, "Those bad guys can't bully Baba, hehe Humph!"

"Yu Yuanyuan."

A warning Three Character Sutra sounded behind him.

Zai Zai, who was happy for less than three seconds, shrank his neck subconsciously: "Is it swollen?"

Immediately afterwards, a big hand covered the small head, and a terrible chill spread from the Tianling Gai to other places.

Yu Yuanyuan couldn't stop looking at her whole body, turned her head, and carefully looked up——

Ah duck!

Baba's eyes are so scary, like a big leopard that wants to eat people! ! !

"Second brother!!! Help!" Yu Yuanyuan was so frightened that she wanted to run away, Yu Yingze also stretched out her hand to respond, but...

Yu Jinxiao easily stretched out his hand, grabbed the little Tangyuan's pajama hat, and successfully captured her.

The small white ball was carried in the hand, struggling and screaming, and circling slowly in mid-air.

Yu Mingxi who was in the room heard the noise outside, opened the door and came out to see that Yu Jinxiao was carrying Yu Yuanyuan who was circling in mid-air with a fierce look.

"Father, what happened?" Yu Mingxi's heart skipped a beat, realizing that Yu Yuanyuan must have made a big mistake to let his father show such a terrible aura.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at the only worry-free child: "Just now she was taking random pictures in my study with her mobile phone, and even uploaded the video." After a pause, Yu Jinxiao added, "Yingze uploaded it."

"I'm not, I haven't, don't talk nonsense!" Yu Yingze waved his hands desperately in fright, "It's my father who scared me, I accidentally ordered the wrong order!"

(End of this chapter)

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