The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1096 Here I suggest sinking directly into the sea

Chapter 1096 Here I suggest sinking directly into the sea
The Weibo content is a video, only about 2 minutes long, but Yu Jinxiao knows the person in the video.

It was the little boy named Serena in the orphanage.

In the video, someone deliberately used the effect of changing the voice to ask: "Little friend, do you know who Yu Jinxiao is?"

Serena nodded: "I know."

"I heard that the children in the orphanage like him very much?"

Serena shook her head: "No, we all hate it."

"Why? Are all the things he did fake? He built an orphanage and gave everyone a lot of things!"

"It's fake!" Serena replied.

"Did he deliberately let the child lie and accompany him to record the show?"

Serena didn't speak, but nodded, her eyes were still a little red.

The video ended here, and many netizens gathered in the comment area to join in the fun, lamenting that they had just changed their views on Yu Jinxiao, but they did not expect such a video to be exposed so soon.

"My God, my feelings have been deceived, I didn't expect him to be this kind of person!"

"I don't trust things on the Internet easily anymore..."

"I actually believed Yu Jinxiao, I must be a fool."

The direction of public opinion that has finally stabilized, because this video suddenly changed.

Serena's expression is very sincere, without any trace of acting, everyone believes that children will not lie.

What's more, this is a child in the orphanage who was directly interviewed. Isn't this more reliable than the rumors circulating on the Internet?

Yu Jinxiao was very impressed with Serena. This kid was very happy during the day and everyone came to play. When he left, Serena rushed to the front row to see him off and waved goodbye to him.

Yu Jinxiao still remembers those eyes staring at him.

Such a child would suddenly speak ill of him behind his back?

Just when Yu Jinxiao wanted to find Gao Zhou to find out what happened, a video was suddenly pushed to the trending list.

The video made a slow-motion and comparison of the content just posted, and found that every time before Serena answered, the voice would have a very slight freeze.

The sound was very faint, like an advertisement coming from outside.

This exception can only be found after processing.

But the commercial sound disappeared when Serena was speaking.

After giving this abnormal clue, many netizens stopped being led to the rhythm, and clearly suspected that someone had deliberately edited the audio.

At first, some people suspected that the video had been edited. They wanted to join in the fun and disassemble it, and found that the video was fine.

Unexpectedly, it was the audio that was tampered with.

It should be that what the "person" in the video said was recorded and put up later, and then applying Serena's answer, it became an "interview" that "testified" Yu Jinxiao's show.

There is no trace of editing in the video, and it is difficult for ordinary netizens to find a breakthrough point, but...

The weak background advertising sound in the video exposed the fraudulent behavior of the video.

"Is it actually a fake? It's too much, pull out the kid as a gunman!"

"Fortunately, God has eyes. He's too cunning. If the background sound hadn't been exposed, Yu Jinxiao would have been tricked again."

"Who dares to engage in such small tricks behind Yu Jinxiao's back?"

"It is recommended to sink directly into the sea."

This has not calmed down yet, a new video on Weibo has once again caused hot searches and replacements.

It was Xie Xin who posted the video!
Xie Xin posted a video with a paragraph: "It's a good thing that I missed work today and removed a camera. I didn't expect to gain something [smirk]."

(End of this chapter)

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