The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1100 Susu Looks Scared

Chapter 1100 Susu Looks Scared

Yu Jinxiao got into the car with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, and the little Douding sang all the time, as if he was going on a spring outing.

Obviously he was going to find someone to settle accounts, but in the end...

Now that he brought a little Douding, he is not very good at speaking harshly without any scruples, nor can he use some means.

Gao Zhou probably saw through what Yu Jinxiao was thinking, and said while driving, "How about I wait for Mr. Yu in the car with Ms. Yuanyuan?"

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan's voice stopped abruptly, and the next second her small hands directly grabbed Yu Jinxiao's coat, "Yuanyuan agreed to go with Baba!!"

This is just great.

In fact, Yu Jinxiao made up his mind that he would not let Yu Yuanyuan go upstairs. Now that she is holding her tightly, like being watched by a kitten, how can he silently get away from her to deal with business?

"Baba can't lie to Yuanyuan~" Yu Yuanyuan said, her little claws tightened even more.

It looked like a blooming chrysanthemum had been picked out by her on the suit jacket.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at the rearview mirror sullenly, making Gao Zhou shrink back, not daring to speak nonsense anymore.

The car parked slowly in the parking lot of a club. Yu Jinxiao and Gao Zhou walked through the VIP passage all the way to the top floor, opened the door and entered a room, where someone was already waiting.

"Huh? Qiu Yang's father!" As soon as he entered the door, Yu Yuanyuan recognized who was in the room.

In addition, there were He Shuxuan and several other people who were familiar with Yu Yuanyuan.

Seeing Yu Jinxiao, Qiu Ruitian tried his best to pretend to be calm: "What do you want me to do?"

After all, he glanced at Yu Yuanyuan, with obvious displeasure in his eyes.

"You sent someone to the orphanage to shoot that video?" Yu Jinxiao didn't go around in circles with him, and went straight to the point.

When Qiu Ruitian heard this, he frowned suspiciously: "What video?"

Yu Yuanyuan also turned her head to look at Baba: "What video?"

The originally tense atmosphere was suddenly aroused by Yu Yuanyuan's question.

"Don't ask, you are not allowed to interrupt casually now." Yu Jinxiao covered that small mouth with his big hand, not allowing her to spoil the atmosphere.

Seeing that Yu Jinxiao was too busy, Gao Zhou helped to explain: "The incident last night was so big, it would be too fake for you to pretend you didn't know about it, do you dare to do it or not?"

Qiu Ruitian himself is also a person who likes to speak on the Internet. The video of the orphanage has been hotly searched at night. Even if he doesn't know it, he will definitely hear it from people around him.

Especially in a place like a studio, where there are many people, the news will not spread slowly.

The way he pretended to be puzzled just now was really unreasonable!

Being exposed by Gao Zhou on the spot, Qiu Ruitian bit his lip unnaturally, and looked aside: "I went to bed early yesterday, can't I?"

Yu Jinxiao stood holding Yu Yuanyuan for a long time, his arms felt a little sore, so he simply sat on the sofa.

Seeing this, Qiu Ruitian felt that he was standing and talking like a younger brother, and wanted to sit opposite him.

As soon as the foot was sold, the aura on the opposite sofa was like a hidden weapon suddenly radiating out, making Qiu Ruitian shrank his neck in the cold.

The strong sense of crisis made him dare not sit down casually, as if this was a stupid act seeking death.

"If you don't know, then I'll let you watch." Yu Jinxiao raised his chin, and Shu Xuan and others held the tablet to show him the video.

Even the original video of Xie Xin's clarification was shown to Qiu Ruitian.

During this period, his eyes kept scanning other places, as if he was very guilty, his eyes and expression were very unnatural.

"Is Susu watching a scary movie?" Yu Zaizai lay on Yu Jinxiao's shoulder, and one of them muttered to himself, "Susu looks very scared."

Even Yu Yuanyuan could see it...

Qiu Ruitian knew that it was useless to play dumb.

(End of this chapter)

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