The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1109 Of course he won't bully her!

Chapter 1109 Of course he won't bully her!
Yu Yuanyuan stepped forward and sat down on the carpet, Zai Zai sighed: "Hey, Yuan Yuan may not live in Jieli in the future!"

"Here? Are you talking about this room?" Shen Ji couldn't keep up with the little guy's thinking.

The little head tapped twice: "Maybe I have to give it to another little friend."

"Other little friends?" Shen Ji followed her words, testing Xiao Zai Zai's sad things bit by bit.

But Yu Yuanyuan, who is usually chattering, always talks and hides a little today. It seems that after she speaks out her thoughts, she will be closer to the day when she will be unhappy.

Yu Jinxiao didn't come back until dinner time.

He returned with a timid-looking little girl.

She was about the same height as Yu Yuanyuan, and when standing beside Yu Jinxiao, she had to hide behind his feet, only daring to show her head to see everyone.

Seeing the little girl, Yu Yuanyuan hid behind Shen Ji's feet as if she was frightened by something.

She pinched the hem of Shen Ji's clothes with her small hands, and quietly looked at the other side with half of her head.

Is that the baby?

She has grown so big!
It looks a bit cute, but... she seems very thin. Didn't she eat well?

Originally, she was always worried that the baby would disappoint and be afraid of changes when she came to the house, but when she really came to the house, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't help being curious about her.

Yu Jinxiao looked at the situation where the two children looked at each other, as if they were two kittens who were full of curiosity about each other, watching the situation quietly.

"Yuanyuan, this is Xiaobao," Yu Jinxiao wanted the child hiding behind him to come out so that he could introduce it to Yu Yuanyuan, but Xiaobao was afraid and refused to come out, "Xiaobao, this is Yuanyuan."

"You...howling~" Yu Yuanyuan saw that the other party was a little scared, so she took the initiative to say hello.

Xiao Bao, who had been shrinking behind Yu Jinxiao, opened his big round eyes, looked at Yu Yuanyuan for a long time, and then responded in a low voice: "You... hello."

Hearing that Xiaobao was finally willing to speak, Yu Jinxiao felt relieved.

Xiaobao seems to be afraid of everyone else, but he is curious about Yu Yuanyuan.

Probably because Yu Yuanyuan is about the same age as her, so they are more able to attract each other's attention and curiosity.

"Aunt Chen, ask someone to prepare..." Yu Jinxiao wanted Aunt Chen to prepare a room for Xiaobao, but halfway through the conversation, he suddenly remembered the room Yu Yuanyuan lived in.

He reserved that room for Xiaobao at the beginning, but later he gave the room to Yuanyuan because he adopted Yuanyuan.

Now...Xiaobao is back...

"Yuanyuan, it's time to eat, you go to the table and sit down first." Shen Ji didn't care who the new kid was, he only cared about Yu Yuanyuan.

He picked up Xiao Douding and put her on the seat where she always sat, and patted her on the head.

Yu Zaizai seemed to be sitting on a nail, and asked in a low voice, "Is Yuanyuan still sitting in Jieli?"

After all, her eyes swept Yu Jinxiao's direction quietly, her eyes looked very cautious.

"Of course, Yuanyuan has been sitting here all the time. This is the seat for Yuanyuan." Shen Ji gently helped Yu Yuanyuan put away the tableware, and took a moment to look up in Yu Jinxiao's direction.

That gaze was very meaningful, as if reminding him, an adult, not to bully Yuanyuan.

What a joke!
That little glutinous rice ball is also his daughter, of course he won't bully her!
"Xiaobao, sit here, sit next to brother." Yu Jinxiao hugged Xiaobao and sat on the other side, just sitting next to Yu Yingze.

(End of this chapter)

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