The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1133 Oh, is she going to be scolded?

Chapter 1133 Oh, is she going to be scolded?
"It's very active to take care of other people's housework." Shen Juiya seemed to be smiling, but his tone was more like sarcasm, "Isn't it cold to go out in this light?"

"It's not cold." Shen Ji's tone was not friendly at all, and he interrupted Shen Juya's words coldly and bluntly.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanyuan was too young, so she didn't quite understand some words and tones.

"Brother Shen Ji, what is a family matter?" Yu Yuanyuan didn't hear Shen Juya's teasing, and raised her head to ask the question seriously.

Shen Ji gives her tutoring every day, and in Yu Yuanyuan's heart, Shen Ji is also her little teacher.

It's normal to ask questions to the little teacher.

"Family affairs are family affairs." Shen Ji had just finished confronting Shen Juya coldly, and the moment he bent down, his tone changed drastically.

Shen Zhuoya recognized Shen Ji's double standard at once, shook his head helplessly, and motioned to the seat in the back row: "Dad brought all your school uniforms, can't you treat me a little better?"

Shen Ji ignored his father's question directly, and knelt down to pat Yu Yuanyuan's head.

"Does Yuanyuan still remember what I said last night?" Shen Ji gently pinched the little Yuanyuan claw.

Yu Yuanyuan thought about it carefully and nodded: "Remember!"

"If anything happens to Yuanyuan, you must call me."

"Yuanyuan said!" Xiao Zaizai nodded vigorously, and Shen Ji was reluctantly relieved by his earnest assurance.

Yu Jinxiao and Shen Zhuoya exchanged polite greetings for a while, and Shen Ji got into the car and sat in the back row.

He rolled down the car window, and waved to Yu Yuanyuan, who had been saying goodbye to him at the gate of the courtyard, until he turned a corner, but the cute little figure was nowhere to be seen.

There were only Shen Ji and Shen Juya in the car, just now in front of too many other people, Shen Juya asked all the questions.

In fact, Shen Ji, who was changing clothes in the back row, had been observing Shen Juya's expression. In the rearview mirror, that face was sneaking glances at him over and over again.

"Yuanyuan is not someone else," Shen Ji said coldly without waiting for Shen Juya to speak, "Don't say anything in front of Yuanyuan that might make her unhappy."

Shen Zhuoya smiled helplessly and shook his head: "I am an outsider, and Yuanyuan is your family, right?"

Shen Ji: "..."


People who have disappeared for 11 years can also be counted as family members?

Is there such a family?
But he is still just a kid now, and there are many resources and conditions that need to be provided by Shen Juya, so use Shen Juya as a tool man.

His identity is father, but in Shen Ji's heart he is just a person without much affection.

If it wasn't for making plans for the future and protecting Yuanyuan, he might not have chosen to go back to Shen's house.

Shen Zhuoya was not impatient and angry at Shen Ji's unfamiliarity, he also understood that it would take a lot of time for a child to accept all this, as long as Shen Ji didn't yell and leave the Shen family.

Many times, he also wanted to find something to talk to Shen Ji about, but...

Always hit the muzzle accidentally.

After seeing off Shen Ji and Shen Zhuoya, Yu Yuanyuan returned to the villa feeling a little empty again.

Yu Jinxiao had to go back to the company when something happened, but he still didn't feel at ease leaving Yu Yuanyuan alone at home.

He still has doubts about Xiaobao's identity, he can't tell others, even Aunt Chen and Uncle Yang don't know.

Thinking of this, Yu Jinxiao was worried that Yu Yuanyuan was alone at home.

After much deliberation, he decided to take Xiao Zai Zai to the study for a serious exchange.

Seeing her father's serious expression, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't help but thump in her heart, oh well, is she going to be scolded?
(End of this chapter)

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