The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1136 The Correct Way to Use Cubs

Chapter 1136 The Correct Way to Use Cubs

After changing her clothes, Yu Yuanyuan first sent a voice message to Yu Jinxiao with her phone watch: "Report, Yuanyuan is leaving!"

Yu Jinxiao was still in the car when he heard the voice from Xiao Zai Zai. After he finished playing, Gao Zhou in the front row heard it and asked worriedly, "Where is Miss Yuanyuan going?"

Ever since Yu Yuanyuan ran away from home in a panic last night, Gao Zhou didn't sleep well last night.

Turn the volume of the phone to the maximum, check the phone over and over again, worried that Mr. Yu will hear that Yuanyuan ran away from home in the middle of the night.

Now when he hears "departure", he is a little sensitive.

"I asked her to keep an eye on Little Treasure," Yu Jinxiao repeatedly played the childish voice, "Even if I told her not to provoke her, she would definitely go, so I will do it the other way around."

I still couldn't sleep last night and saw this plan on the Internet.

"My red beans, mung beans, and soybeans are all overturned. How do I pick them out? Answer: Find a child and tell him not to pick them out separately."

"There are always a lot of weeds growing in my yard, what should I do if I don't have time to weed? Answer: Find a child and tell him not to weed."

"There are a lot of worms growing in my flowerpot, what should I do!! Answer: Find a child and tell him not to catch the worms in the flowerpot."

Yu Jinxiao couldn't sleep at night, so he simply used the same method to formulate a new trick that was useful for Yu Yuanyuan.

The wisdom of netizens is powerful.

He also learned the correct way to use Zai Zai.

"Well, be careful, don't be found out." Yu Jinxiao cleared his throat, couldn't help smiling, and intentionally recorded a serious-sounding voice and sent it.

With Ba Ba's encouragement, Xiao Zai Zai became even more excited, and immediately set off to the door of Xiao Bao's room.

Xiaobao doesn't like to go out of the room very much. She is still very unfamiliar with this family. She always plays in the bedroom and returns to the room after eating.

It seems to be a little happier to be alone.

When Yu Yuanyuan came to the door of the room, Xiaobao was sitting on the bed flipping through the picture album, looking at it very seriously.

There are still some toys and plush dolls piled up beside the bed, but Xiaobao likes to read picture books the most, and it takes a long time to look at them often.

Well, it's normal to look at the picture album. It's not a strange thing. It shouldn't be reported.

Thinking of this, Yu Yuanyuan continued to observe with a low body.

She is a nimble little meow, and she must not be easily discovered by others!Meow meow!
Xiao Bao turned over, rubbed his eyes suddenly, the eye sockets became more and more red, and the back began to twitch.

The album in her hand was closed and pushed aside by her, and she walked slowly to the landline phone in the room in a daze.

There is a telephone in Xiaobao's room, which Yu Yuanyuan envied a little at first.

In this way, she can call and send whatever she wants!

But then the second brother said that she has a children's watch, and she can make calls as she wants, which is more convenient than a landline phone.

It was only then that Yu Yuanyuan suddenly realized: That's right!
At this time, Xiaobao cried, his eyes were red, and he was standing in front of the phone, staring blankly at the landline phone——

This is very wrong!Very abnormal!
Yuanyuan never cried in front of the electricity, this situation needs to be reported to Baba, right?
Thinking of this, Yu Yuanyuan was about to retreat to the room to speak, when she suddenly saw Xiaobao move.

She moved a chair, supported the cabinet and climbed up, trying to reach the landline.

Xiaobao tapped his fingers on the number, as if he had dialed a number.

It's a pity that Yu Yuanyuan didn't have a bench to support her height, she couldn't see the number, she only knew that Xiaobao made a call.

The other side seemed to be connected, and Xiaobao's crying face burst into a smile: "Dad?"

(End of this chapter)

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