The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1138 Must be here

Chapter 1138 Must be here
Listening to the dialogue alone, it seems to be fine.

Xiaobao had been growing up in that family before, so it is understandable that he misses that father even more.

Not to mention children, even adults can hardly change their minds immediately when encountering such a thing.

However, Yu Jinxiao seemed to hear other voices in the background of the call, like an old man complaining from a long distance away.

However, at normal volume, it is difficult to hear what is being said, and may need special treatment.

Yu Jinxiao handed over this matter to Gao Zhou to deal with, now any detail may be critical and cannot be ignored casually.

Inside the Yu family villa.

Yu Yuanyuan also dutifully observed Xiaobao in the room secretly in the corridor.

After the phone call, Xiaobao was very sad, and cried for a long time on the bed, looking so pitiful.

Several times Yu Yuanyuan wanted to go in to comfort her, but she was a spy!
A spy is not allowed to reveal his identity casually, which is incompetent.

The kind-hearted Xiao Zai Zai suppressed the urge to comfort Xiao Bao, and continued to watch the cat at the door.

Xiaobao fell asleep not long after crying.

The room was very quiet, Yu Yuanyuan's feet were a little sore after squatting for a long time, so she just sat on the carpet in the corridor.

The temperature in the room is very comfortable, and she is dressed like a little ball, sitting against the wall like this...

Wow, it's so crispy and good for sleeping.

Yu Yuanyuan tried hard to open her eyes wide, but in the end she was defeated by the Sandman's power, and her little head tilted against the wall.

At first, he slept on his side with his head tilted. Gradually, the small body slid down against the wall, and the whole cub lay on the carpet.

Well, falling asleep like this is much more mushy!

Hula... Hula...

Yu Yuanyuan slept more soundly than sleeping on her own bed, and the sound of hula hula woke up Xiaobao in the room.

Rubbing his eyes, Xiao Bao slipped off the bed and walked out cautiously.

This sound is so strange!

Could it be... a monster?
Xiao Bao grabbed the door frame, quietly poked out half of his head, and looked nervously at the direction of the sound.

I saw Yu Yuanyuan's whole cub lying on the carpet, sleeping soundly, if it wasn't for the movement of her little mouth, Xiao Bao would have thought that something happened to her and she was washed here.

After looking at the door for a long time, Xiaobao walked out hesitantly, knelt down and pushed Yu Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan...Yuanyuan..."

"Sleepy," Yu Yuanyuan turned over and continued to curl up in a ball to sleep, "Don't make noise with Yuanyuan."

After Xiaobao made sure that she wasn't washed off and passed out, he continued to shake her vigorously: "Yuanyuan get up quickly, you'll catch a cold if you sleep here, go to bed and sleep."

"No...I can't," Yu Yuanyuan groaned with her eyes closed, "Yuanyuan has to be here..."

Little Treasure was confused when he heard that, so he stretched out his fingers and opened Yu Yuanyuan's eyelids: "You will get sick if you sleep here!"

Yu Yuanyuan had never encountered this kind of awakening method before, her little head was a little dazed, and she was helped up by Xiao Bao in a daze, as if she was still in a dream.

"Yeah, Yuanyuan is... is she awake?" Yu Yuanyuan mechanically turned her head and asked.

Xiaobao nodded: "Yes, you are awake! Why are you sleeping here?"

"Yuanyuan is going to be a spy (spy) here..." Oh Huo, almost slipping the tongue, Yu Yuanyuan was so frightened that she woke up and covered her mouth.

"What is it now?" Xiaobao asked innocently, tilting his head, not understanding what she meant.

Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened, and she turned on the mode of lying without blinking: "Be... a small house!"

(End of this chapter)

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