The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 116 A Different Dad

Chapter 116 A Different Dad
From that day on, Yu Mingxi felt that his home had turned into a cold grotto, and he no longer had the taste of home.

Dad's temperament changed drastically from then on, and soon he became notorious in Jiangcheng.

It is said that he has extreme means of doing things, never leaving any chance for his opponent to stand up, even if it is an ant, he has to be ruthlessly crushed.

If someone dared to secretly plan on him in business, Yu Jinxiao would be even more merciless, he would drive the other party to a dead end and never turn over.

Smaller companies dare not cooperate with him, and larger companies like his style of work, but they are as careful as possible when cooperating, so as not to offend this evil spirit
Back then, Yu Jinxiao obtained the inheritance right of the Yu Group by virtue of his outstanding ability.

And his two brothers turned to other industries respectively.

After Yu Jinxiao's reputation for decisive killings spread, there were not many people who dared to confront him.

As long as the cooperation is clean and there are no petty tricks, no matter whether it succeeds or not, Yu Jinxiao will not make trouble.

Many businessmen like his business method of balancing the scales.

People don't offend me, I don't offend people.

If a person offends me, he will be put to death and there will be no offspring.

Yu Jinxiao's character became extremely gloomy and violent after his sister's accident.

Yu Mingxi, who was still young at that time, didn't know what the adults finally investigated.

But he vaguely overheard the conversation between Dad and Uncle Gao——

The man behind the kidnapping of the sister was never found.

The man's method was very clean and concealed, and the kidnapper also fell into the river to his death. After a whole year of secret investigation, there was no breakthrough.

Perhaps it was the unrelieved depression that made Yu Jinxiao more and more violent.

He has investigated all the suspects, but there is no real evidence, but it is an indisputable fact that the kidnapper kidnapped his sister because of him.

After growing up, Yu Mingxi began to gradually understand that the reason why his father became like this was because he couldn't forgive himself.

Otherwise, he would not agree to his mother's request for a divorce.

He couldn't even forgive himself, so how could he ask others to forgive him?

My sister's cries and cute laughter can no longer be heard at home, and my mother will never come back. The family that should have been harmonious and happy has turned into a cold empty shell overnight.


With the appearance of Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Mingxi saw a different father.

The first time he saw Xiao Zai Zai, he even wondered foolishly, could it be that the younger sister is not dead, but the younger sister is really back?

But after calming down and thinking about it, he felt that he was ridiculously stupid.

It was only three months since my younger sister was kidnapped and had an accident. Even if she hadn't died, it was impossible for her to remember what happened to the Yu could she be retrieved?
But Yu Yuanyuan's appearance was like a cute little sun, after stepping into this lifeless and depressing family, it warmed everyone unreservedly.

Recalling the past is a physical effort, Yu Mingxi seems to have experienced the pain of the past again, exhausted physically and mentally.

Xiao Zai Zai looked at his brother who was staring blankly at the photo and didn't speak, his little head was thinking about his own affairs.

Before coming to this world, Yu Yuanyuan went to other book worlds to find her father.

She knows that people in the world in the book have lost their original memories, and will give new memories to the corresponding characters according to the plot.

Originally, she thought it was very funny, but after hearing what her brother said... she was so sad.

Dad's memory of the world in the book is actually so bad!
Yu Yuanyuan Maomao sighed, staring at Little Claw in a daze.

She still knows that the baby will not come back after death.

If she takes her father away from the world in the book in the future, the brothers in the book will definitely be very lonely.

Xiao Zai Zai fantasized for a while, and almost wanted to cry.

By the way, the mother in the book is still there!I can find a way to get my mother to come back to accompany my brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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