The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1163 Investigate according to Shen Ji's train of thought

Chapter 1163 Investigate according to Shen Ji's train of thought

"Be careful," Yu Jinxiao couldn't believe that he would say such an advice out of good intentions, "If there is any situation, keep in touch."


Shen Ji originally wanted to wait for the other end of the phone to hang up, but after a lot of waiting, Yu Jinxiao kept on talking.

"Did you get hurt today?"

It seems that after a long time of mental construction, Yu Jinxiao finally said such a simple word of concern.

In the past, he never wanted to care about other people's life and death, as if spreading kindness was something that did not match his identity and was very embarrassing.

But after getting in touch with Xiao Tangyuan a lot, Yu Jinxiao was often forced by her to express his feelings. In this way, sometimes he would no longer be as indifferent or coy as before.

"It's okay," Shen Ji said subconsciously, and then added the situation at the time, "I was hit by that man on the arm, but it's not serious, just rest and recuperate."

"Be careful, the people behind the scenes are ruthless, and I'm afraid they will kill you next time."

"Understood." Shen Ji paused, and swallowed uncomfortably, "Mr. Yu, you should also be careful."


Two men who are not good at expressing their feelings worked hard to complete the task of caring for each other through their mobile phones.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Ji slowly leaned back against the head of the bed, the injury on his arm was still aching.

After taking the painkiller, just as he put down the water glass, Shen Zhuoya knocked on the door to scold him.

Shen Ji kept quiet on purpose, about 2 minutes later, Shen Juoya opened the door a little, and looked up to make sure his son was asleep.

Seeing Shen Ji's appearance of not accepting his existence at all, Shen Juya straightened his back, and pushed the door open confidently.

"Were you on the phone with Yu Jinxiao just now?" Although Shen Juoya didn't hear what they said clearly, Shen Ji spoke to Mr. Yu with a very respectful tone.

That attitude was better than his father, Shen Juya was so angry that he was about to vomit blood when he thought about it.

"Who am I calling, do I need to report to you first?" Shen Ji didn't want to face him at first, but Shen Juya's frantic look made him feel a little relieved.

But after a brief bliss, a more dull feeling overwhelmed the sky, making Shen Ji a little out of breath.

"I don't care what Yu Jinxiao asks you to do, but this matter has already endangered your safety, you must stop immediately!" Shen Zhuoya's hand clenched his fist lightly, with a helpless expression on his face.

He wants to lose his temper to educate his children, but what right does he have to lose his temper?
He owed Shen Ji too much, and he couldn't repay it by giving casually.

Shen Juya may not care about anyone's life or death, but now he really wants to repair the relationship with his child, and returning to the seemingly ordinary relationship is enough for him to be thankful.

"I didn't do anything, and I don't need you to take care of my affairs." Shen Ji lay down under the quilt, lifted the quilt and covered his head, "Please turn off the lights and close the door when you go out."

Shen Juya: "..."

After many years of strategizing, the only thing I can't handle is this son.

Standing beside the bed in silence for a long time, Shen Zhuoya felt like a meddlesome clown, silently retreated to the door, turned off the light switch resentfully, his figure slowly moved outside, and the door closed bit by bit.

Yu family.

The clues sent by Shen Ji helped Yu Jinxiao a lot.

He asked Gao Zhou to investigate according to Shen Ji's thinking, and soon found other traces of this man.

(End of this chapter)

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