The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1166 Secretly poking and secretly testing Shen Ji in this way

Chapter 1166 Secretly poking and secretly testing Shen Ji in this way
" have to be careful, you may fall if you run too fast!" Xiaobao stammered, frowning.

There was genuine and slow worry on that small face, it wasn't faked on purpose.

Yu Jinxiao silently observed from the side, feeling that a three-year-old child is not capable of performing such a genuine emotional expression.

It's just... when did she feel so good with Yu Yuanyuan?
Normally he doesn't go out of the room very much at home, and only occasionally plays with Yu Yuanyuan, how could he be favored by Yu Yuanyuan like this? ?
Yu Jinxiao looked down at the top of the cerebellum in front of him, his hair was fluffy and curled up, and he had just finished playing with toys, it was in a mess, like a kitten that just came out of its nest.

Well, she's quite cute, and it's not surprising that Xiaobao likes her, but those who don't like her are idiots.

"No, Yuanyuan will be careful~~" Xiao Zai Zai shook his head and patted Xiao Bao's shoulder with his claws, "Xiao Bao, you want to go down with me to pick up brother Shen Ji?"

Xiao Bao was stunned: "Huh?"

She just wanted to go downstairs to find water, who would have thought that she would be caught by Yu Yuanyuan, a social bull.

In fact, Xiao Bao was a little afraid of Shen Ji.

Everyone in the Yu family was very kind to her, even though the new "father" looked fierce, his tone was not too scary when talking to her.

But the "brother Shen Ji" in front of him is different.

He seemed to only smile when he was talking to Yuanyuan.

Xiao Bao was very afraid of coming into his line of sight, because although that brother Shen Ji could laugh, his eyes were cold and frightening when he looked over.

The child didn't understand why, but she could keenly feel the aura that made her uncomfortable.

Xiao Bao, who was forced to pull down, stood timidly in the corner, not even daring to raise his eyes to look at Shen Ji.

She always felt that Shen Ji's eyes could kill.

"Brother Shen Ji~~~" Yu Yuanyuan happily ran forward, and as soon as she came in front of Shen Ji, she started bouncing around like a doll, "Hug~~~"

As soon as he heard the hug, Yu Jinxiao suddenly thought of what Shen Ji said about his arm injury last night, and stepped up his steps to stop it.

Unexpectedly, Shen Ji squatted down with a smile, and picked up the little Douding with his left hand: "Yuanyuan."

Yu Jinxiao didn't have time to stop his raised hand, and fell silent for an instant.

What?Do you already have such great arm strength at such a young age?
"Great! Brother Shen Ji is fine!" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly wrapped her claws around Shen Ji's neck, her small head pressed against his cheek, "Brother Shen Ji can still hug Yuanyuan, which means that brother Shen Ji is I really didn't get hurt~~"

Good boy!
To secretly test Shen Ji in this way!

Shen Ji seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and said with a smile: "Is Yuanyuan relieved now?"

"Don't worry~~"

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, Yu Jinxiao couldn't believe that this little glutinous rice ball had such a scheming heart!
But Yu Yuanyuan's scheming is not worth mentioning in front of Shen Ji's scheming.

He unexpectedly expected that Yu Yuanyuan would "test" him.

Shen Ji's chin was lightly pressed on that little head, and from the corner of his eye he indifferently glanced at Xiao Bao who was dazed by the side, and that gaze made Xiao Bao startled.

This... the expression of this beautiful brother is so scary!
There was still some time before dinner, so Shen Ji took Yu Yuanyuan to the upstairs study room for tutoring.

Little Treasure didn't know what to do, so they went upstairs together in a strange way.

Squatting at the door of the study room, she heard that beautiful big brother inside teaching Yuanyuan many numbers and arithmetic!

Wow, Yuanyuan is amazing!She remembers tons and tons of numbers and can add them all together!
Little Treasure looked enviously at the crack of the door. No one had ever taught her arithmetic.

Oh no, not never, at least Yuanyuan taught her before!
(End of this chapter)

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