The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1197 The Vulnerable People Are Not Qualified To Choose

Chapter 1197 The Vulnerable People Are Not Qualified To Choose

Yu Jinxiao originally wanted this little glutinous rice ball to stop making such a fuss, but his brain quickly went through her words, and his big raised hand froze in mid-air.

"What? You said you've smelled it before?" Yu Jinxiao didn't quite trust this little boy, and frowned suspiciously.

Yu Yuanyuan moved her brain, sniffed: "Yes~~Yuanyuan remembers~"

"Then where did you smell it?"



He really shouldn't have hoped for anything.

The little ball in front of him blinked and stared blankly at him with the not-so-intelligent Yazi.

But Yu Jinxiao couldn't blame her at all.

It's just a three-year-old kid, so how good is her memory?

"Yuanyuan really smelled it~~but...but...Yuanyuan can't remember it, blah blah." Yu Yuanyuan knew that Baba wanted to find this scent, but her little mind couldn't help thinking about it. Can't figure out where I smelled it.

Her little brain was filled with too many other things, and she didn't pay attention to such small details that she didn't pay attention to before, so naturally she couldn't recall the specific situation and details.

Yu Jinxiao patted that little head: "It's fine if you can't remember it, it's okay."

Frustrated, Qiuqiu stood on the ground in a chubby ball, that pitiful little expression looked distressing.

Yu Yuanyuan really wanted to help, but... just couldn't remember it!

"Hey, Yuanyuan didn't help."

Yu Jinxiao picked up the little glutinous rice balls, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Of course it helps."

"Karma?" Xiao Zai Zai's small face was shocked, hanging on Baba's neck with a dull expression.

"Since you've smelled it, maybe it's someone we all know, so we can narrow down the scope of the investigation." That's what he said, but Yu Jinxiao was more of a consolation.

Yu Yuanyuan's sense of smell is so strong, she might have smelled someone else wearing the same perfume on the way home from school one day, not necessarily the mysterious person.

But she looks very unhappy now, the most urgent thing is to comfort her first.

"Wow, that's great~~" Yu Zaizai knocked on the level so flickeringly, he immediately regained his joy.

"I can't arrange for you to go back to the village for the time being." Yu Jinxiao patted Yu Yuanyuan's head and looked at Wang Jin who was eating. "I arranged a place for Xiaobao to recuperate, and I will send a boat to take you away temporarily."

Something changed in Wang Jin's eyes, he suddenly felt uneasy, and even lost his appetite for eating.

"Don't worry, this is not a lie to comfort you," Yu Jinxiao saw through his strangeness at a glance, "When this matter subsides, I will arrange for you to return to the village."

The disadvantaged are not eligible for choice.

Wang Jin knew that he was lucky to be able to survive, so he didn't dare to have unnecessary opinions.

After he and Xiaobao had finished eating, Yu Jinxiao personally sent them to the pier with Yu Zaizai, who was drooling.

"Xiaobao~~ You have to take care of it and send it~ You have to be full~" Yu Yuanyuan leaned against Yu Jinxiao's arms, waving her little claws cutely, "Don't forget to count~"

Standing at the bow of the boat, Xiaobao's eyes were red, and he also raised his hand and tried to wave at Yu Yuanyuan: "No way~~ I remember Yuanyuan's number~ I remember the counting taught by Yuanyuan~"

"Xiaobao, goodbye~" As he spoke, the child still couldn't overcome the sadness of parting, and Yu Yuanyuan's little eyes were red.

"Yuanyuan, you have to eat well~"

The boat had gone away, and Xiaobao's figure was gradually engulfed by darkness.

Yu Jinxiao shook the little cub in Dian's arms, and thought to himself: Needless to say, Yu Yuanyuan can persist in doing it every day.

(End of this chapter)

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