Chapter 120 Alone and Poor

Xiao Zai Zai, who had just woken up and was still dazed, rubbed his eyes, and then realized that the one in front of him was not his brother, but a big potted plant about the same height as his brother.

Yu Yuanyuan yawned big, and wandered towards the bedroom with the little lion in her arms.

After a while, the little cub who had washed his face and brushed his teeth appeared on the stairs going downstairs.

In order to eat, he was holding on to the handrail of the stairs, squatting and walking down slowly.

At first, the servant and Yu Mingxi went over to hug her nervously.

But Yu Yuanyuan likes to walk by herself, and every time she climbs down by herself, she will ask for praise with a sense of achievement. As time goes by, everyone no longer intervenes, just silently staring at the little cub who is ready to rush over to catch the wrestling at any time.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanyuan looks stupid, but she is also clever in some things.

Knowing that my feet and claws are not stable, I also know how to grab the handrail to use my strength to move down joint by joint while squatting, and my walking is surprisingly stable.

"Brother's holiday, second brother's holiday~~~" Xiao Zaizai greeted the two brothers loudly as soon as he walked to the dining table.

Yu Mingxi responded with a smile, Yu Yingze glanced at her calmly and continued to eat.

Yu Jinxiao, who had already been seated, was looking at his phone, waiting and waiting... Strange, why didn't he say good morning to him?

"Yu Yuanyuan..." Yu Jinxiao held back for a long time, but was still aroused by this little boy's differential treatment, "Why do you only say good morning to brother?"

Aunt Chen had already brought the food to the table, and Yu Yuanyuan had bitten off the head of the hot pig bean paste bun.

With food in his mouth, the little cub was busy for a long time, and barely had room to make a sound: "I have already talked to my father in the morning, so I can't say good morning again."

Yu Jinxiao: "...? Whose rule is this?"

"Yuanyuan's rules."

He went in, and was successfully entangled by Xiao Zaizai.

After breakfast, Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze both went to school together by car, and Gao Zhou also came to pick Yu Jinxiao to the company.

When the family members were going out one by one, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly realized that she was the only one at home today! ! !

My brother is not here, my second brother is not here, and my father is not here!
No one played meow with her.

The driver who picked up Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze had already arrived. At the gate of the yard, under a field of pink roses in full bloom, a little boy in a white princess dress was waving vigorously in front of the car.

"Brother wants to be Yuanyuan, and second brother also wants to be Yuanyuan." As he spoke, the little boy's eyes became darker and more lonely, "Yuanyuan will obediently wait for you to get fat at home."

Yu Mingxi had never wanted to go to school as much as now, rolled down the car window, and kept pulling Yu Yuanyuan's little paw to coax him eagerly.

Yu Yingze, who was sitting on the other side, didn't want to make it so hard to leave, so he plugged in his earphones and ignored Xiao Zai Zai's baby voice.

As a result, it didn't start for a long time after getting in the car, and he finally couldn't help taking off one earphone and looking at the window——

Yu Yuanyuan is not tall enough, in order to see Yu Mingxi, she tried her best to put her hands on the car window for strength.

She tried her best to reveal half of her hairy head, raised her brows, and opened her big black grape eyes wide.

His mouth was blocked by the car window, and he continued to talk to Yu Mingxi persistently.

That appearance reminded Yu Yingze of the little Shiba Inu he saw on the Internet last night.

"Yu Yuanyuan, come over here." Yu Yingze clasped his hands and called people over in a serious manner.

The little cub who was lying on Yu Mingxi's side was replaced by Yu Yingze's side.

"Second brother, second brother, what are you going to tell Yuanyuan?" Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to lie on the car door, only when she raised her head could she see Yu Yingze's eyes.

The little furry head is arching and arching by the car window, it is even cuter when viewed up close!

"It's nothing, just teasing you." After Yu Yingze admired it up close, he rolled up the window with satisfaction.

The driver started slowly, and the speed of the car quickly left the little figure behind.

Yu Yingze looked back absently, when he saw that small body standing there blankly, lonely and pitiful... a strong sense of guilt suddenly surged in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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