The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1206 Will Mama be in danger!

Chapter 1206 Will Mama be in danger!
Yu Jinxiao suddenly picked up the little cub, and solemnly and seriously gave her an adult hug.

"Yu Yuanyuan, you have done a good job!"

The dazed little Tangyuan had no idea what happened.

It was all because of Yu Yuanyuan's series of words that gave Yu Jinxiao this incredible inspiration, and it was this inspiration that made great progress in the mysterious person behind him that he had been unable to find.

"Yuanyuan...what merit did you do?" Xiao Zaizai scratched his messy head in embarrassment, and giggled.

I don't know what gong is, but let's talk about it first!

"You are very smart." Yu Jinxiao patted her shoulder with a serious expression, "What you said just now gave Dad a lot of inspiration."

"Wow, really?"


"That's great, can Baba reward Yuanyuan with a blueberry mousse cake?"



Yu Yuanyuan with shining eyes had a suspicious expression on her face.

It was Baba who said she had done meritorious service, and it was Baba who refused to reward her with blueberry mousse cake.

Not even a small cake, eh!

Every time the Miaomiao team makes a meritorious service, there are big fish to eat!

She Yu Miaomiao doesn't even have a cake!
Sensing the resentful look in his little eyes, Yu Jinxiao weighed it in silence, and felt that Yu Yuanyuan's contribution this time was indeed not an ordinary one, but a great one.

Rewarding a cake or something... Trivial.

"I'll buy it for you tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Yu Jinxiao raised his hand and scratched the tip of her little nose.

"Hey hey~~" Yu Zaizai was so happy that he rolled on the bed immediately.

As soon as the words were finished, Gao Zhou sent several new photos. Yu Jinxiao didn't evade, and directly clicked on the photos to start comparison.

When Xiao Zai Zai thought that there would be cake to eat tomorrow, he was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep, and he still felt sleepy.

She crawled to Yu Jinxiao's hand, and then popped out a small head to look: "Baba, why do you keep staring at the picture of Yuyu Octopus Susu, is he a bad guy?"

"Do you think he looks like a good man?" Yu Jinxiao asked without answering.

Isn't this question redundant?

Yi Yuzhang had almost engraved the "big villain" on his forehead.

"He's really a bad silver!" Yu Yuanyuan squirmed like a caterpillar, holding her chin and looking at the screen of the phone curiously, "Then... it's over! Will Mama be in danger!"

Xiao Zai Zai's alarm reminded Yu Jinxiao once again.

If Yi Yuzhang really had a problem, then he must have approached He Yitong to deal with him.

He Yitong didn't know anything about this, she was in the same passive situation, and she might be in danger or be used.

Time waited for no one, Yu Jinxiao immediately dialed He Yitong's number, but the phone rang for a long time but no one answered.

He personally sent He Yitong home just now, she should have rested now.

Yu Jinxiao gave a brief overview of the situation, and sent a text message to He Yitong.

He knew that He Yitong had the habit of checking text messages, as long as she used her mobile phone, she would definitely be able to see them.

As soon as He Yitong picked up the phone after coming out of the bathroom, he subconsciously checked for any new news.

When she saw the text message sent by Yu Jinxiao, she silently read the entire content, and excitedly patted the pillow: "I'll just say it! Let me attack that Yi Yuzhang for no reason, so he is the invisible villain!"

Just as he was thinking, the doorbell at the door suddenly rang.

He Yitong turned on the video device, and found that Yi Yuzhang was standing outside the door!
 There will be more tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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