The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1208 Overreaction

Chapter 1208 Overreaction
"You and Yu Jinxiao got back together?" Yi Yuzhang saw the name on the phone screen at a glance.

He Yitong's arm was in great pain from being pinched by him, and he struggled to pick it up, but Yi Yuzhang gave him the first step.

At times like this, He Yitong couldn't help cursing secretly that the body of a person is not as flexible as that of a leopard cat.

If this was in the fairyland, Yi Yuzhang, a bastard, wouldn't be faster than her at all!

And, she has fangs!

One bite can give him a bite until the water leaks!
Yi Yuzhang Yan Jing was flushed, his eyes were filled with a kind of excitement and madness that had never been seen before, which made people a little scared.

He Yitong, who didn't have the body of a leopard cat, didn't dare to act rashly, and spread his hands angrily on purpose: "Give me back the phone, I'm just talking to him about Mingxi."

This seemingly reasonable excuse did not hold water in Yi Yuzhang's mind.

The phone has been specially adjusted to not lock the screen, and it still stays on the interface of Yu Jinxiao's number, which is obviously a special preparation.

What do you mean?
Is it to guard against him?
Yi Yuzhang's eyes flickered darkly, he turned around holding the phone, and looked through her text messages fiercely.

Yi Yuzhang has known He Yitong for a long time, and he knows exactly what kind of habits she has.

The text message Yu Jinxiao sent was the first one. The moment Yi Yuzhang saw that text message, Yi Yuzhang was stunned, but his expression did not show much surprise or amazement.

With his heart beating wildly, He Yitong quickly took the opportunity to snatch the phone back.

"You really..." Yi Yuzhang changed his usual gentle and polite appearance, and there was a bit more murderous intent in his eyes.

Without waiting for him to continue, He Yitong immediately recalled the props he had obtained earlier in his mind: "Clear the memory from 10 seconds ago!"

This prop cannot be used on Yu Jinxiao, nor on Yu Mingxi, Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan.


It can be used on Yi Yuzhang!

Just as He Yitong used the props, Yi Yuzhang, who had a fierce face on the opposite side, stared blankly, as if he was a humanoid machine whose memory was being erased.

Taking advantage of this gap, He Yitong immediately deleted the text message sent by Yu Jinxiao, and adjusted his expression as if nothing had happened, waiting for the next more severe test.

Yi Yuzhang's memory was deleted for 10 seconds, and the memory of text messages happened to be gone, but she still remembered the memory of Yu Jinxiao's number interface on the screen of her mobile phone.

When the system deleted Yi Yuzhang's memory, He Yitong immediately changed the settings and restored everything to the original state.

"Are you still in contact with Yu Jinxiao? Are you going to get back together with him?" Yi Yuzhang continued what he said before, and paused, as if he felt that his anger was a bit empty, and he didn't even speak so resolutely.

"I'm explaining to him about Xi, you know, his grades are very good, Yu Jinxiao plans to let him skip a grade."

He Yitong was well prepared this time, and acted out the appearance of being wronged in advance.

Her emotions were so real that Yi Yuzhang didn't win the army.

"If you don't believe it, just watch it!" He Yitong threw the phone to him, "You can watch whatever you want."

In a dilemma, Yi Yuzhang glanced quietly over the text message interface, but did not see any trace of He Yitong's contact with Yu Jinxiao.

It seemed... really he was overreacting.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Yitong, I was too excited just now, don't be angry." Yi Yuzhang consciously returned the phone, stammered, and kept sneaking glances at her expression.

He Yitong, who was originally at a disadvantage, successfully used a prop to pull the situation to his side.

(End of this chapter)

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