The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1217 I Can Listen Anytime

Chapter 1217 I Can Listen Anytime
Yu Jinxiao calmly carried the small glutinous rice balls upstairs, and when he returned to the room, he sat her on the bed.

He squatted in front of those little feet, and put his hands on the small shoulders that couldn't be grasped.

"Yu Yuanyuan, let no one else know about this matter, not even my brother!" Yu Jinxiao's tone was serious, and his expression was also serious, every inch of his aura was emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

"Why... what the hell?" The big, not-so-intelligent eyes blinked.

"Because the more people who know about it, the more dangerous my mother is. Don't you want to save my mother?"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Yuanyuan's eyes gradually brightened.

"miss you!"

"Then keep it a secret!"


If Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze knew about this matter, it would only make them worry and nervous, and it would be useless.

Although Yu Jinxiao didn't know Yi Yuzhang well, he knew the "mysterious man"'s style of doing things somewhat, and his goal was very clear.

It was Yu Jinxiao himself.

No matter what arrangements and plans are made, they are all to deal with him.

"Okay, you go wash your hands and take a break to prepare for dinner."

"Yuan Log has an appetite~" Xiao Zai Zai sitting on the bed sighed depressedly.

Yu Jinxiao looked at the soft little glutinous rice balls, and scraped the tip of her nose with his fingers: "If you can't eat, everyone will be suspicious."

"Ah..." Yu Yuanyuan nodded, "Okay."

Although she didn't have much appetite, Yu Yuanyuan still tried her best to put rice into her mouth, and it seemed that her appetite was still as good as before.

The atmosphere of the dining table was still the same as before, it seemed that there was no change, but Shen Ji still noticed something was wrong with Yu Yuanyuan immediately.

Xiao Zai Zai's appetite didn't seem to change, but the radiant eyes she had when she ate were gone.

On the contrary, it seems to be eating for the sake of eating, and the food is not as fragrant and devotion as before.

After entering the study room, Shen Ji touched the little head and asked, "What's wrong with Yuanyuan? Is there something unhappy?"

"How did Brother Shen Ji know!!!" Xiao Zai Zai was shocked into a ball.

She obviously didn't say anything, and she ate hard just now. From Yu Yuanyuan's point of view, her disguise was perfect!

But brother Shen Ji still knew something was wrong with her.

Facing Shen Ji, Yu Yuanyuan felt that no matter how she concealed herself, she couldn't fool him.

"Of course I can feel Yuanyuan's mood," Shen Ji stroked that furry little head, the strength and rhythm of his palms made that little body gradually relax, "If there is something unhappy about Yuanyuan, you can tell me."

Normally, Yu Yuanyuan would have chatted about everything.

But this time...

It seems that it is not so easy to say!

She had just promised that Ba Ba would not tell others, if she told Brother Shen Ji immediately...

Then she has failed Ba Ba's trust!

Shen Ji quietly watched Xiao Zai Zai's ever-changing expressions from the side. Every expression that seemed to be the same had a different interpretation for him.

"If it's not convenient for Yuanyuan to tell me, it doesn't matter if you don't." Shen Ji immediately read what that little head was thinking.

The drooping little head slowly lifted up, and asked weakly: "If Yuanyuan doesn't say anything, brother Shen Ji...would you be angry?"

"Angry? Why are you angry?" Shen Ji laughed and said, "I'm just worried that Yuanyuan is unhappy. If it's not convenient for Yuanyuan to tell me about it, she can tell me when Yuanyuan is ready. I can do it anytime. Listen."

(End of this chapter)

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