The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 122 I Have Never Seen Such a Stupid Child

Chapter 122 I Have Never Seen Such a Stupid Child
The old man standing in front of her was the old man Yu Yuanyuan met in the hotel restaurant the night before.

However, today's old man is wearing a khaki suit. Even in his old age, he still has a natural elegance that is integrated into his flesh and blood.

He looked around the room, and the servant followed him into the room.

"Master, Mr. Yu has gone out."

The old man was stunned for a moment, and asked: "I called the company, he probably has no meeting today."

"Uh... Maybe you need to ask Gao Zhou about the work arrangement." Uncle Yang hesitated.

"Grandpa Car, are you here to find Dad?" The servants were all obedient, only Yu Yuanyuan spoke to him without any fear.

The old man has a well-proportioned and slender figure, dressed in exquisite handmade high-end suits, matched with sky-high luxury watches, and exudes a sense of alienation that is different from that of ordinary people.

The more socially experienced people are, the easier it is to see that the status of the elderly is extraordinary.

But now in front of her is... the little Yu Yuanyuan who knows nothing.

"What car grandpa, don't bark," the old man glared at her with condescending eyes, "you still don't know who I am?"

"Who are you!" Xiao Zai Zai showed a surprised expression cooperatively.

"I am your father's father."

"Baba...the Baba? That's..." It was obviously a seniority problem, but Yu Yuanyuan made it look like a math problem, and even snapped her fingers.

In the end, after a long time of calculation, Yu Yuanyuan became dizzy and couldn't figure out the answer, so she had no choice but to turn her head and look at Uncle Yang for help with her eyes.

If it wasn't for the master standing in front of him, Uncle Yang would definitely laugh out loud at the scene in front of him.

"It's grandpa."

"Oh yes, it's grandpa!" Xiao Zai Zai repeated loudly.

Old man Yu was shocked.

He has never seen such a stupid child in his life.

Even grandpa couldn't tell the difference, so he had to ask the servant next to him to secretly pass the answer.

When he first heard that Yu Jinxiao had adopted a little girl in the orphanage, Mr. Yu thought that the one who could make his son fall in love with him must be a smart and flattering child.

Even if he wasn't extremely smart, at least...he wasn't stupid like this.

"I haven't admitted your identity yet, don't be so quick to get close," Old Man Yu said with a cold expression, and let out a cold snort from his nose, "Don't call me grandpa."

Uncle Yang anxiously stood beside him like an ant on a frying pan, and quickly gestured for Brother Jiang to call Mr. Yu with his hand.

In the current situation, Yu Yuanyuan, a little boy, can't stand it, he must let Mr. Yu go home quickly to deal with it.

Not long after Brother Jiang went out, he came back with his mobile phone and shook his head anxiously.

Oh, no one answered the phone.

"I'm not called Grandpa... What should Yuanyuan be called?" Yu Yuanyuan didn't get the repulsion from Mr. Yu at all, and started to think seriously, "Daddy's daddy?"

Mr. Yu: "..."

Can't even understand other people's malice, is this kid really smart?
"Daddy's daddy, can you play with Yuanyuan!" Yu Yuanyuan, who was not afraid of life at all, got up from the carpet, flicked her ponytail and grabbed old man Yu's suit cuff, "Yuanyuan has a lot of toys."

Just as Mr. Yu was about to say who cares about your toys, a trace of curiosity suddenly floated in his heart.

He understands his youngest son's temper very well, this kind of silly child is the type Yu Jinxiao hates the most.

What kind of ability does this girl have to make Yu Jinxiao adopt her?
"Okay, I'll play with you."

(End of this chapter)

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