The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1242 She is a Very Useful Chip

He's just a three-year-old kid, so it's hard to beat someone up.

He was hit by a stone just now, and he was attacked without preparation, but now that they have seen it, the little hand didn't grab the stone.

Want to punch someone?

A child is a child, so naive... Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Before the man came, he raised the knife in a hurry, and suddenly there was a sharp pain on his toe, as if he had been stabbed hard by something.

The sneering man turned pale, covered his feet and jumped up.

The little ball has a flexible body, moves in a serpentine shape, and runs in circles while holding it up.

No one saw clearly what was going on, they just thought that Yu Yuanyuan punched the man's shoe, and the man jumped up in pain.

The other two accomplices laughed and wanted to say something sarcastic, but soon it was their turn.

Where is the fleshy little fist, the moment it hit the foot, a sharp pain from being poked by a sharp object made the other two scream one after another.

Gao Zhou just watched eagerly as his small body raised his fists in front of him, his movements were milky and handsome!
But within three seconds of being handsome, she was picked up by someone holding the hat.

The small body just floated in mid-air and spun around, successfully diverting everyone's attention.

"Take it away, don't waste time." The man in the black hat ordered, and the others carried Yu Yuanyuan like a handbag and left.

Gao Zhou wanted to chase after him, but the man carrying Yu Yuanyuan suddenly took out a gun from his waist, loaded it quickly, and was about to shoot with cold eyes.

The cub who was spinning in mid-air suddenly jumped forward, climbed up the man's clothes, and bit the man's arm with a whimper.

The arm that had just pulled the trigger trembled with pain, and the bullet successfully missed the grass.

"Damn it, you brat!!" The man's eyes were fierce, and he grabbed the little cub who was tired of biting him, and he wanted to teach her a lesson with his fists.

Witnessed by the man in the black hat, he scolded: "Don't hurt her, she is a very useful bargaining chip."


The injured Gao Zhou was in pain all over his body, and he wanted to chase unwillingly. The black hat who seemed to be getting into the car suddenly turned sideways, and quickly aimed the gun in his hand at Gao Zhou's leg.

After a loud bang, Zai Zai, who was covering his ears, slowly opened his eyes, and saw that there was a blood hole on Uncle Gao's leg, and he couldn't even stand up.

"Don't hurt Uncle Gao, woo hoo, don't hurt Uncle Gao." Yu Yuanyuan was so sad that she cried with tears and snot all over her face, and all her facial features came together pitifully.

"Little friend, if you don't want him to get hurt again, tell him not to chase after him." The black hat smiled and patted Yu Yuanyuan who was brought up in front of him.

Yu Yingze had already been tied up and stuffed into the car by him. Yu Yuanyuan was too small, and the black hat didn't believe that little Douding could escape, so he didn't tie her up.

"Uncle Gao, run away!" Yu Yuanyuan's small face was blocked by the roof of the car, but her upright voice came through, "Yuanyuan will protect brother, Yuanyuan doesn't want Uncle Gao to wash it off, woo woo woo , Uncle Gao, you have to be good!"

Gao Zhou, who had never been afraid of guns, knives, or fists, suddenly felt hot in his eyes.

He had clearly sworn that even if it cost his life, no one would take Miss Yuanyuan and Young Master Yingze away, but now...

"Uncle Gao, you have to be careful and wait for Yuanyuan's family! Nothing will happen!"

Even though it was already stuffed into the car, the little milk-sounding child desperately made the loudest noise.

That's right, he can't die, if he dies, how can he save Miss Yuanyuan?

Even with such a small body, in order to protect him, he actually stood up to fight against the bad guys.

Yuanyuan does so many things just because she doesn't want him to die, he absolutely can't die!

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