The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1255 Yu Yuanyuan was the first person to call for help

Chapter 1255 Yu Yuanyuan Was The First One Who Called For Help
"That's right, if I let you choose now, there is not much time to think about it." Yi Yuzhang did not do human affairs, but deliberately extended the time in an understanding tone, "Tomorrow night, I will ask you again tomorrow night s answer."

Click, the phone was hung up, and the recording ended automatically.

This phone call made the atmosphere in the study even more terrifying. The choice between life and death is still a choice between such important three people!
Rao and Shuxuan didn't dare to ask Yu Jinxiao what to do next.

It seemed that the man standing in front of the table was a hidden weapon, whoever made a sound would instantly take away his life.

"Mr. Yu..." Others could refrain from speaking, but Shen Ji couldn't, "You won't give up on Yuanyuan, will you?"

The questions around him brought Yu Jinxiao back from the violence to reality bit by bit.

At this moment, he seemed to be thrown into a boundless purgatory to suffer.

Even if Yi Yuzhang was Wang Cheng's only son, Wang Ningqi, Yu Jinxiao had no intention of letting him go lightly.

"I will never give up on anyone."

Shen Ji is good at observing details, he knows that Yu Jinxiao is not lying, in that firm tone, there is a fatherly love full of security that he has never experienced before.

That night, the Yu family was shrouded in gloom.

Yu Jinxiao couldn't fall asleep.

As long as he closes his eyes, he will think of Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan, and their pitiful and crying images can't help appearing in his mind.

Shen Ji couldn't go home with peace of mind either.

Thinking that Yu Yuanyuan was still in the hands of the bad guys, he secretly blamed himself countless times in his heart.

At the most critical moment, Yu Yuanyuan was the first person to call for help, but what about now?

Why can't he think of a useful way to find Yuanyuan?
She must be terrified.

The image of that cute little face crying appeared in his mind, and Shen Ji felt a sudden suffocation in his heart, as if his heart would be crushed at any moment.

"Mr. Yu, is there a map of the whole area of ​​Jiangcheng?" Shen Ji suddenly thought of something, which suddenly made the lifeless study room come alive.

Shen Ji raised his hand to signal, and He Shuxuan immediately took out a brand new map.

Taking a black pen, Shen Ji spread out the map on the ground, and began to write and draw.

"What are you doing?" Yu Jinxiao saw Shen Ji's operations a lot, and knew that he was definitely not scribbling now.

"Mr. Yu, I seem to hear some background sounds in the recording." Shen Ji plugged in his earphones, listening to the short call over and over again, and kept drawing circles and marks on the map with a pen in his hand.

"Father, is there any news about Yingze and Yuanyuan?" A weak voice came from the door of the study.

Yu Mingxi stood at the door in pajamas, his face turned pale, and he was panting even when he spoke.

"We are dealing with it," Yu Jinxiao suppressed the hostility in his eyes, stepped forward and gently patted his son's shoulder, "Don't worry, Yingze and Yuanyuan will be fine."

"Did the kidnapper call?"

Currently, Yu Mingxi thinks that Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan were kidnapped, and he doesn't know about Yi Yuzhang yet.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly remembered the choice Yi Yuzhang forced him to make, and the words on his lips suddenly turned into thorns.

"Yes, we are talking about the ransom, and they also promised not to hurt Yuanyuan and Yingze." Shen Ji stood up and approached nonchalantly, "We also saw Yuanyuan and Yingze through the cable, they are safe. "

"Really?" Yu Mingxi's ashen eyes seemed to finally have light, "If the kidnappers call the video next time, remember to call me, I want to see them too."

"Don't worry, the next time you see them, they will be the people standing in front of you," Shen Ji's tone is firm and resolute, "not the images across the screen, trust me."

(End of this chapter)

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