The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1273 Doomed Doom

Chapter 1273 Doomed Doom

"Yuanyuan doesn't believe your nonsense, Yuanyuan... huh?" The subconsciously retorted Xiao Zai Zai chirped, his brain was delayed to connect to Yi Yuzhang's brain circuit, and he was suddenly so shocked that he lost his response.

That little body stood still, staring at Yi Yuzhang in a daze, as if he couldn't believe what he said.

Even Yu Yingze who was at the side was also shocked.

He trembled all over, obviously he didn't want to believe it, but he still couldn't help asking: "What did you say? You said Yuanyuan is my real sister?"

Yi Yuzhang snorted, as if he had finally regained some dignity for himself, and couldn't help but straighten his body: "That's right, Yu Yuanyuan is your sister who has been missing for many years."

"You... how would you know! You're talking nonsense!" Yu Yingze was distracted by Yu Yuanyuan, and he didn't dare to believe Yi Yuzhang's words casually.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, as long as I know, that's enough," Yi Yuzhang said, showing an extremely evil smile, "Because, I will make Yu Jinxiao do something that I will regret forever, as long as I know it once Thinking of his expression after knowing the truth, I am very happy."

"You said Yuanyuan is Baba's own cub?" The small body that had been petrified for a long time took two steps forward, as if eager to prove the answer.

Yu Yuanyuan knew that Baba was looking for a missing baby, that was the younger sister of her elder brother and second elder brother, and she had seen the group photo.

Although it was difficult for Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan to understand, Yi Yuzhang still briefly described what happened.

The little baby disappeared when she was only a few months old. Even if she was really that little baby, she didn't remember what happened when she was so young.

Yu Jinxiao probably deliberately wanted to use Yu Yuanyuan's DNA to mislead him, but Yi Yuzhang accidentally discovered this shocking secret.

It was this erroneous covert operation that made Yi Yuzhang discover that Yu's family still had personal DNA and that Yu Mingxi was his brother and sister.

He couldn't believe it at first, but then he had someone compare them again, and it was confirmed again that the DNA of these two people was a brother and sister.

In the end, Yu Zaizai, who had tried hard to remember for a long time, had a blank head, and his eyes gradually seemed to be empty, staring blankly at the front.

"You must be a liar! You have no evidence!" Yu Yingze couldn't believe it either, he suspected that this was a conspiracy by that villain.

Finally grasping the two children, Yi Yuzhang snorted triumphantly, crossed his hands in front of his chest: "Of course I have evidence, but you can't understand this evidence. When Yu Jinxiao asked someone to do a paternity test with Xiaobao , I knew it wasn't that simple."

One of the DNAs was obviously not Wang Xiaobao's, and Yi Yuzhang only thought of the only possibility - Yu Yuanyuan.

But now Yuyu Zhangsusu said that the little baby was her!
That little brain went into overload mode, trying hard to recall the past, but couldn't remember anything.

He knew that Yu Jinxiao was a very suspicious person, even if the results of the first DNA test were correct, he would definitely compare them again and again.

The repeated comparisons will not only compare his own and Xiaobao's identification, there will definitely be other people's DNA mixed in.

Obviously when he asked that kidnapper to get rid of Yu Yuanyuan back then, that person actually threw her into an orphanage? ?
When Yi Yuzhang thought of this, his heart suddenly felt troubled again.

All of these seemed to be doomed by fate, let him meet this troublesome kid.

Is she here for revenge? ?

Damn, my waist seems to be hurting again.

(End of this chapter)

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