The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1275 As long as this task is completed, she will be free

Chapter 1275 As long as this task is completed, she will be free
After hearing what Xiao Zai Zai said, Yi Yuzhang almost had to explain it out of habit.

As soon as the words came to his lips, he forcibly endured them back.

What is there to explain?
The memory of this little head is so big, no matter how much he said, she might not be able to understand it.

Saying more is a waste of words!
Yi Yuzhang didn't say anything, but sneered, and said, "Wait a few more hours, and then we'll know what choice your father will make."

Taking a cold look at the two children, Yi Yuzhang didn't want to say any more.

He obviously came here to have some fun, but instead he was pissed off.

As long as that little potato Yu Yuanyuan is around, there is always a way to piss him off!

"Keep an eye on these two brats." Yi Yuzhang glanced at the four killers eating melons nearby, and said coldly.

The black hat nodded, and watched Yi Yuzhang leave with arms crossed in disdain.

Even if it's an employer, it's an equal deal. What's the arrogant tone just now?

It was getting dark outside, and the sky was covered with beautiful golden-red clouds.

He Yitong raised his head coldly and asked, "What did you do to Yu Jinxiao?"

But he couldn't show that he couldn't wait, the longer he waited, the more anxious Yu Jinxiao would be, and this kind of emotion was beneficial to him.

Calmly walking into the room, sitting on the sofa not far away was a seductive figure with a casual but undeniable beauty.

She was afraid that something would happen to Yu Jinxiao, and she was also worried that the cubs would be frightened, and she would not even be able to eat.

Close the door behind your back, there is no keyhole facing inward on the gradually closing door.

It looks like a warehouse from the outside, but after opening the door, it looks like a simple and tidy holiday villa inside.

He took out the key and turned it. After opening the door, the style inside was completely different from the mottled appearance outside.

Thinking of the plan he had arranged, Yi Yuzhang became excited, wishing that time would pass faster.

Yi Yuzhang walked around to the other end of the iron house, and a security door seemed out of place with the surroundings.

The iron house was very tall, a full four meters high, and there were only a few rows of windows at the top for ventilation.

"What else do you want to do!"

"Shh, I can't tell you now."

Yi Yuzhang was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery, but walked around the side path for a few minutes, and came to the door of a long row of iron houses.

After leaving the warehouse, Yi Yuzhang was calmed down by the cold wind in the field.

God knows how hard she waited this day, and finally someone came.

"What!!" When He Yitong heard this, he wanted to rush up and beat someone up, but was dragged back by the iron chain on his feet.

"It's nothing," Yi Yuzhang smiled hypocritically, "I just kidnapped Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Yingze after transferring his power."

"Don't worry, they are still safe now, my plan has not officially started yet," Yi Yuzhang twitched his lips, his face looked very pervasive in the dark room, "There will be more exciting programs at night put on."

Thinking of the conversation he had with Yu Yuanyuan just now, he really suspected that there was a Gu on that little potato, why it could activate his anger every time, and even lowered his IQ, making him act like an idiot with that Not even his waist-high little guy quarrels.

"Damn it!" He Yitong struggled to pick up something next to his hand and smash it at it, and Yi Yuzhang easily bent over to dodge it.

[Propose to marry Yi Yuzhang, ask him to let Yu Jinxiao go, and ask him to agree to the conditions.Progress point +5 after completion! 】

Unexpectedly, at this time, the task was actually triggered, and 5 progress points were rewarded!

As long as she completes this task, she will be free and will not be controlled by the system!

At that time, she will say what she wants to say, what she wants to do!
(End of this chapter)

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