Chapter 1284

"Shen Ji is in my hands," the black hat said without hesitation, "Who are you?"

"I'm Shen Juya, I warn you, don't hurt my son!"

So it was really Shen Juya?

The black hat raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "Then prepare 5000 million and wait for my call. Don't try to act rashly. It's just a bullet for me to kill your son."

After the words fell, the phone was hung up, and the black hat immediately turned off Shen Ji's cell phone.

Shen Ji sneaked a sneak peek at the black hat, his eyes were brighter than before, probably the so-called money-seeking eyes.

"Don't try to escape, be honest!" The black hat warned Shen Ji viciously, and got up and walked to the chair beside him.

As soon as he sat down, the scarred man said in a bit of embarrassment: "Brother Gang, shouldn't we tell the employer about this?"

This employer, of course, refers to Yi Yuzhang.

"Jiangzi is clean! Hehe!" Yu Yuanyuan clapped her paws happily.

Before borrowing Yuanyuan's children's watch to exchange a few words with this black hat in the car, Shen Ji guessed that this black hat must have had some special thoughts in his heart when he knew his identity.

The dirty things that were stained when being dragged just now were cleaned up bit by bit by the soft little round claws.

Yu Yuanyuan also immediately stretched her neck, imitating Shen Ji's way and rubbing back, like a cat tickling against the wall.

In addition to the rewards that Yi Yuzhang has already paid to them, with such a large sum of money, it will be difficult to spend it all in a few more lives.


The man with the scar was speechless, the temptation of 5000 million was too great!

Now that he has delivered it to his door, how could the black hat miss such a good opportunity to blackmail?

Shen Ji's slightly tensed shoulders relaxed after the phone call.

"Don't you want to make more money before you retire?" The black hat swept towards the other two people who were silent, "This is 5000 million, wouldn't it be 5000 million more? This money is for Shen Juya It’s not too much, but it’s a considerable amount of money for us, and I believe he will be willing to spend 5000 million to ensure the safety of his children.”

"No need," the black hat refused bluntly. "He gave us money, but that order is that order, and this order is this order. There is no conflict."

Several pairs of eyes looked at each other in secret, and silently reached an agreement.

But if Shen Ji was involved, Shen Juya would have to make a move.

"Thank you, Yuanyuan." Shen Ji's hands were tied behind his back, he couldn't touch the little head that he cared about, he lowered his head, and rubbed his soft hair with his forehead.

From then on, they don't need to work hard anymore, and can enjoy happiness in anonymity.

If you don't make money, you are a fool!

If he asked Shen Juya to help, Shen Juya would definitely not agree, and no one would want to meddle in other people's family affairs.

In this way, there will be a lot of helpers to save Yuanyuan.

This result was still within his expectations.

"Hey~hey~hey~" Just as Shen Ji was thinking, the chubby little boy sitting beside him was very earnestly patting the dust off Shen Ji's body.

When Shen Ji came, Yu Yingze felt that he had fallen out of favor.

"Yuanyuan, my trousers are also dirty." Yu Yingze raised his foot aggrievedly, emphasizing depressedly.

Why didn't he see her and pat himself clean?
Is his treatment so bad?

"Second brother, hurry up and take a picture!" Yu Yuanyuan glanced at Yu Yingze's dirty trouser legs, with an expression of "Why are you standing there?"

(End of this chapter)

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