The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1292 Only half of Yu Yuanyuan's stupid hair left after escaping

Chapter 1292 Only half of Yu Yuanyuan's stupid hair left after escaping

Other human rights When the three children were frightened, there was no exit from that position, and when they fled towards that area, the other killers did not stop them.

But the imminent situation between the black hat and Yi Yuzhang is even more worrying.

"Brother Gang, calm down, calm down." The man in the leather jacket raised his hand and advised cautiously.

"As I said, the employer is just the employer, so don't try to interfere with my affairs."

A cut was cut in Yi Yuzhang's arm, and the blood flowed down, dripping from the drooping fingertips to the ground.

Compared with Yi Yuzhang's remaining balance, the black hat is obviously more interested in Shen Juya's 5000 million.

If Yi Yuzhang dared to tear up the ticket, he didn't mind killing Yi Yuzhang first.

The injured Yi Yuzhang bit his lip and said nothing, his pupils were full of unwillingness and anger.

His plan was about to succeed, but why was it destroyed by Shen Ji who came out again? ?

The black hat has never smoked in that position, for no reason, how could something explode?

This time, the gun was pointed at Yi Yuzhang's head.

"Idiot, chase after me!" The black hat kicked the scarred man beside him.

The figure in the black hat slumped lazily on the chair sat upright in an instant: "What's the matter?"

It's just that Yu Yingze's feet were tied and Shen Ji's hands were tied, He Yitong didn't have time to stop and untie them.

Suddenly there was a terrible loud noise outside the warehouse, like the sound of something exploding.

A fuse was arranged to ignite the fire, and at the moment of the explosion, the old door lock in the corner was smashed under the cover of the loud noise.

She turned Yu Yingze on her back, pulled out a hand to hold Yu Yuanyuan and ran away.

"As long as you don't do unnecessary things again, I will help you deal with this matter, and I don't want to have trouble with money," the finger of the black hat hooked the trigger, turned it lightly, and pointed the gun at Yi Yu again Zhang, "But if you hinder my other sources of income, I don't need the rest of the money."

The black hat sensed that something was wrong, and its eyes met Yi Yuzhang who happened to be watching.

The man in the leather jacket and the man with the scar had already rushed to the door with their guns: "It seems that a large piece of garbage exploded and burned!"

As long as the trigger is pulled, Yi Yuzhang will be instantly pierced by a bullet through his head.


The man in the leather jacket, the man with the scar, and the man with the flat head waved their hands at the same time: "No, it's impossible, we don't go there to smoke."

He Yitong found out that the lock of this door was loose just now, so he thought of a way to attract the attention of those people.

Before Yi Yuzhang came to think about what to do, he was startled by this voice.

She picked up a cigarette butt that hadn't been extinguished, and found some flammable items that had been abandoned here near the warehouse.

It was supposed to be a place that was sealed off, but a door was actually opened, and the three little kids escaped with only half of Yu Yuanyuan's stupid hair left.

The two walked to the door one after the other, and the raging fire burning outside came into view.

This Shen Ji was brought on by Yu Yuanyuan!

Suddenly thinking of something, the black hat and Yi Yuzhang turned their heads at the same time, looking at the corner where the three children were hiding.

"Damn it, did you forget to put out the end of your cigarette when you were smoking?" The black hat spat and cursed fiercely.

It was as if the whole world was against him.

Fortunately, Shen Ji's feet can move freely, otherwise she might not be able to run with two children on her back.

The little cub who was trying to run fast was bouncing, the light outside was dim, she couldn't see anything clearly, so she could only try to keep up with Ma Ma's speed.

"Ah duck!"

The little foot suddenly kicked a hard stone, and Yu Yuanyuan fell to the ground with a puff.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "bang", and a bullet hit the mud beside Yu Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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