The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1295 Did She Do It On Purpose

Chapter 1295 Did She Do It On Purpose
The man raised his brows in disdain, and said coldly: "They are all dying anyway, so why bandage the wound? It's the same sooner or later."

"But Yuyu Octopus Susu said that we will wash it off after it is pulled out," Yu Yuanyuan shook her head and turned on the chanting mode, "If they wash it off so soon, will it be against the plan? Same!"

The man didn't think about what the three-year-old kid said.

But thinking about it carefully, Yi Yuzhang did say so——

Yu Jinxiao had to be dealt with first, and then kill these people one by one.

Could it be that Mr. Yi has other uses for keeping these people?

In case these two guys really died early and ruined Mr. Yi's plan...

The man weighed the seriousness of the matter in his heart, and finally decided to bandage the man in the leather coat and the flat-headed man.

Even if he is going to die later, it doesn't conflict with bandaging the wound now.

The man in the leather jacket and the man with the flat head were already unconscious from the pain.

"Wow~~" A small breath suddenly sounded beside him.

The black hat cast a disdainful glance at the little cub beside him, curled his lips, and lightly pressed the buttons of his cuffs with his hands tied behind him.

Opening his eyes, the man in the leather jacket and the man with the flat head were one person away, and he could see the chubby little body at a glance.

The seemingly ordinary button suddenly popped out a blade shorter than the little finger, just enough to cut the hemp rope tied around the wrist.

She tilted her little head, just in time to see the "gadget" on the cuff of the black hat.

Originally, he secretly laughed at her innocence, but unexpectedly, that person really healed their wounds.

Just when their consciousness was blurred, they suddenly felt that someone was bandaging the wound, and the action was very careless. After the wound was bandaged, the temperature of the body gradually warmed up a little.

If anyone finds out, his only chance is gone.

Surprisingly, they did not deny Yu Yuanyuan's words.

However, gradually, the surroundings became quiet, and the sound of the small blade cutting the rope became more and more clear, so clear that it attracted the attention of others several times, and the black hat had to stop.

They knew the character of the black hat named "Brother Gang" very well.

She blinked innocently, and suddenly smiled: "We are in the same group, hehe!"

Yu Yuanyuan saw the threat from the black hat's eyes, so she obediently pursed her lips and did not speak.

If he was betrayed by this little bean, he would not have time to cut such a thick hemp rope.

When they were in a daze just now, they heard Yu Yuanyuan asking someone to treat their wounds.

They are injured now, it is impossible for Brother Gang to take the risk of saving them together.

No one responded to her, but Yu Yuanyuan firmly believed that they were in the same alliance.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was originally sitting on the ground, didn't know whether she was tired or her balance was unstable, but she suddenly fell down on the ground.

The black hat had only been cut twice, and with a thump in his heart, he immediately speeded up secretly.

Because of the bleeding, his body temperature was also dropping, and his whole body was cold and weak.

The man in the leather jacket and the man with the flat head felt a lot warmer in his body, and his consciousness gradually became clearer.

There is no friendship at all, if there is a chance to escape, Brother Gang will not hesitate to abandon them.

"La la la la~" Yu Yuanyuan was lying on the ground, and suddenly started singing, "A good boy needs to eat three bowls of rice~ Eat well to grow tall~"

While the small voice began to sing, the black hat immediately continued to cut the rope.

That's great, with this little cub's voice...huh?

The black hat glanced at the little potato out of the corner of the eye, and found that Yu Yuanyuan returned a tender but meaningful look.

Could it be that she sang on help him cover up the sound of cutting hemp rope?
(End of this chapter)

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