The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1303 Was it Kidnapped or Went on Vacation

The top floor of the hospital late at night.

A helicopter lands noisily.

When Yu Jinxiao got off the helicopter, there were already a dozen people waiting on both sides.

He Yitong, Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan were all sent for detailed examination.

They were locked up for several days, and Yu Jinxiao was worried about their health.

Even if there is no serious trauma on the surface, an examination is required to rest assured.

The corridor of the hospital was covered with a piece of quiet white, Yu Jinxiao sat on the waiting chair, his mind seemed to be completely emptied.

"Father!" Yu Mingxi who was taken to the hospital recalled Yu Jinxiao's thoughts.

The boy's face was a little pale, and he didn't look very energetic, but his eyes were surprisingly bright, and there was an excited smile on the corner of his mouth.

"How is Yuanyuan, Yingze, and mother? Are they injured? Where are they?" Yu Mingxi said a lot in one breath, and couldn't help but gasp for breath.

Yu Jinxiao patted his side and signaled him to sit down: "It's okay, they are doing a physical examination, there shouldn't be any serious problems."

"That's good." Yu Mingxi sat on that cold chair, but his heart was surprisingly hot.

After worrying about it for so long, it finally came to a good result.

These days, he was worried that Yingze, Yuanyuan and their mother would not be able to sleep for a few hours every night, and they would not be able to eat, their body was getting thinner and thinner, and their complexion was not very good-looking.

But after hearing the good news that everyone was fine, Yu Mingxi smiled, and his spirit was much better than when he came here.

He had only rested for a while before he realized that something was wrong with his father.

Since everyone is fine, why does Dad seem to be in a daze with a lot of things on his mind?

Could it be... Dad lied to him?
Thinking of this possibility, Yu Mingxi's smile gradually melted: "Dad, is it... something happened? Don't you want me to know?"

Yu Jinxiao raised his head in a daze, and met Yu Mingxi's nervous and flustered eyes, only then did he realize that his state had frightened his son.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm just waiting for a result."

"A result? Something important?"

"It's very important, but it doesn't seem to be important."

Regardless of whether Yuanyuan is Xiaobao or not, Yu Jinxiao has long treated her as his own daughter.

That piece of paper turned out to be just icing on the cake, and it would not change the warmth of this home.

"I'll wait with you." Yu Mingxi squeezed his way to his father's seat, leaning shoulders of different heights side by side.

"It didn't come out so quickly," Yu Jinxiao said in a low voice, "Yuanyuan might be Xiaobao."

Yu Mingxi was slightly taken aback, his lips trembled for a long time, but he didn't say anything or ask any questions.

He has been close to hope countless times, and has been extinguished by the light that finally shone in.

If he gets too excited, it affects Dad too.

Yu Mingxi chose to suppress all his emotions back to the bottom of his heart.

Obviously the son next to him is still young, at this moment, Yu Jinxiao actually felt warm comfort from him.

He Yitong and Yu Yingze were the first to complete the inspection. Both of them were fine, only He Yitong's ankle was scratched, other than that, she and Yu Yingze were both in good health.

Everyone waited outside, seeing Yu Yuanyuan not coming out, they were all worried.

"Doctor Susu, is Yuanyuan's body in good shape?" The door opened, and the little milk voice came out before anyone else.

"Yuanyuan's body is very healthy, it's just have to eat a little less in the future, and you can't eat so much!"

"Huh? Why?"

"If she doesn't control her food intake, Yuanyuan will exceed her healthy weight."

After listening to the conversation between the doctor and Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Jinxiao remained silent except for silence.

Before Xiao Zai Zai was kidnapped, he took her for a height and weight check.

Unexpectedly, after being captured and kidnapped for a few days, her weight soared? ?Was she kidnapped or was she on vacation?

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