The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 131 A Special Day

Chapter 131 A Special Day

Old Master Yu was amused by Xiao Zai Zai, and he stroked her small head with his palm.

He can hardly remember how long it has been since he was so close to his family.

The huge manor has everything.

There are servants, a horse farm, precious collections, and a small amusement park specially built for the grandchildren...

Only, no family.

Living alone in such a place still feels lonely.

It's just the pride that he has been accustomed to all the year round, so that Mr. Yu never tells others about the loss in his heart.

He didn't want to ask for any affection from anyone, including his own son.

"The same is true of the bread that Yuanyuan has bitten," Yu Mingxi added with a smile beside him, "the same is true of the apple that Yuanyuan has bitten."

Xiao Zaizai got up in a panic and covered his brother's mouth: "I can't say any more, if my stomach overhears me, I will be hungry!"

As she said that, her nervous little eyes glanced at her inconspicuous belly under her dress.

Although Yu Yuanyuan doesn't have a waist, she doesn't have an overly fat stomach either.

The little round ball just looks chubby, but it is definitely not a fat man.

The sound of a car's engine came from the road outside, and the smile on Mr. Yu's face gradually faded, his eyes seemed lost.

He didn't want to end this moment, but time always brings an end to everything.

His wife died early, and in order to be a good father, he became a strict father in the eyes of others and his son.

Strict education-either gain the respect of the son, or alienate in exchange.

Yu Jinxiao is probably the most rebellious one, but he is also the most capable son. When he chose the company's heir, Mr. Yu hesitated again and again, but still thought that this important task should be entrusted to him.

In the bottom of Mr. Yu's heart, he believed in Yu Jinxiao's ability more than anyone else.

"Master." The driver opened the door and got out of the car, humbly opening the rear door.

Old Man Yu sighed softly, patted the heads of the three children next to each other, took his coat and walked slowly towards the car.

Even the driver was a little surprised.

After following Master Yu for so many years, no matter what the occasion, his dress and manner are always meticulous, and he always maintains the best state of elegance and temperament.

But at this moment, he casually twisted the suit in his hands, and two shirt buttons were undone.

The driver had never seen such a casual, relaxed gentleman.

"Grandpa, Grandpa," Xiao Zaizai saw the car coming, and shouted sweetly to chase it out, lying on the car window and trying to raise his neck to speak, "Can Yuanyuan come to your house to play next time? Yuanyuan wants to accompany Xiao Horses and horses."

"What?? Grandpa's house can ride a horse?" The light in Yu Yingze's eyes was like a small flame that suddenly lit up, jumping excitedly beside the car, "I want to go, I want to go too!"

"Okay, come to grandpa's house to play next time."

The half-rolled car window was pushed down by Mr. Yu, and his arms slowly extended to touch the heads of a few children.

Reluctant, but had to go.

The old man smiled and motioned for the driver to drive.

After driving a long distance, he couldn't help turning his head, and saw the three children of different heights standing at the gate of the yard watching him.


What a special day.

After seeing off their grandfather, Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze still had to do their homework.

The rest of the cubs who didn't need to go to school were bored and wandered around alone. She still thought of her father in the study as before.

The small figure hula appeared at the door of the study.

But this time, she felt that her father probably didn't notice her.

He was frowning tightly, staring at the phone in a daze with deep and dark eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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