The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1317 is "stimulation" not "fear"

The call was from Xie Xin, who should also be asking about Yu Yuanyuan's "schedule".

During Yu Yuanyuan's kidnapping, Xie Xin also called, but the situation was special at that time, Yu Jinxiao did not tell him the truth, only said that Yu Yuanyuan was not at home for the past two days and went to play with classmates, and the schedule could not be confirmed for the time being.

Xie Xin heard the rejection in the words, and said that he would call again when it was convenient.

Unexpectedly, just as Xiao Zai Zai was out of danger, Xie Xin called again.

"Hello." Yu Jinxiao answered the call, and he had roughly guessed what Xie Xin would say.

It is nothing more than when there is time, the schedule can no longer be extended, I hope Yu Jinxiao can give an accurate reply.

Yu Yuanyuan was kidnapped!

Although Xie Xin didn't know what happened, it was a very big and serious matter to Yu Jinxiao!
He still planned to let Xiao Zai Zai take a good rest for a while, filming or something... At worst, he would just pay liquidated damages.

She must have been terrified during this time, and it felt safer to spend more time with her family.

"Crooked, is it Xie Susu~?" Yu Yuanyuan posted it on the phone, talking to the black phone by herself.

But it's all right now, Yu Yuanyuan has rushed out by herself and cut off his retreat.

If this goes on like this, he will be almost bald.

After all, the broadcast of the program has already been scheduled, and the shooting of the last two episodes is only short.

Yu Jinxiao was about to find a reason to say that Yu Yuanyuan wasn't there, but this little guy didn't ask himself!

After a while of silence, he confirmed Xiao Zai Zai's wishes again, and could only agree to the recording time given by Xie Xin first.

Yu Jinxiao took a deep breath and covered the bottom of the phone: "Yu Yuanyuan, aren't you going to rest at home for a while?"

"Okay, okay!! Yuanyuan hasn't seen Brother Haoyi and Xie Susu for a long time~ Yuanyuan misses you~~"

"Huh? Yuanyuan? Yuanyuan is at home, is it time to shoot?" Xie Xin's voice sounded pleasantly surprised and excited.

Yu Yingze stroked his chin and recalled: "A lot of exciting things happened!"

Yu Jinxiao had just concocted an excuse that Yu Yuanyuan was ill and couldn't shoot, when he was interrupted by this little boy's angry voice.

The more things came to an end, the more worried he was that something would affect the filming. He couldn't eat, couldn't sleep well, and lost a lot of hair.

"Rest? Why do you want to rest?" Yu Yuanyuan blinked stupidly, completely ignorant of Baba's considerate intentions.

Bringing the children back to the house, Yu Jinxiao grabbed Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Yingze and sat down with a serious face: "Did anything scare you when you were kidnapped?"

"Wow, I want Yuanyuan too!" Xie Xin exaggeratedly echoed on the phone.

Xie Xin is Yu Cangnan's good friend, Yu Jinxiao wanted to find an excuse to deal with it because of his second brother's face, not that he would not go if he didn't want to go.

"Yuanyuan recently..."

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

After five days, it can be regarded as giving the younger Yu Yuanyuan a certain amount of rest time.

Yu Jinxiao still doesn't know what happened to the two cubs during the few days when they were kidnapped. He wants to make sure if he can let Yu Yuanyuan record.

He used "stimulate" instead of "frighten".

Sometimes, Yu Yingze was really "scared", but after the matter was resolved, he felt more "excited" when he thought about it.

He is adventurous and has a flying personality, and he is not frightened by those seemingly "scary" things.

After listening to Yu Yingze's description, Yi Yuzhang wanted to kill them because of the bullets hitting his feet...

Yu Jinxiao's heart seemed to find a gap and hang himself, he almost suffocated.

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