The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1321 Yuanyuan has kidnapped the fat family

Chapter 1321 Yuanyuan has kidnapped the fat family
Yu Jinxiao: "..." In order to eat, that unintelligent little head can always suddenly have a flash of inspiration and think of various solutions.

In the past, Yu Jinxiao didn't understand why he encountered such a difficult little glutinous rice ball.

Now he understands.

It was because he had this little dumpling kidnapped and sent to an orphanage, and he spent the rest of his life paying off the debt for this little dumpling.

"It seems to be getting better~" Xiao Tangyuan raised her head, and her eyes radiated the light of eating again (four times).

Yu Jinxiao stretched out his hand and pinched the tip of that little nose: "Don't eat like this next time."

"Okay, Yuanyuan made a mistake," Yu Yuanyuan climbed down and stood upright, "Next time Yuanyuan will only eat a spoonful, is that okay?"

Didn't I just let you eat a spoonful? ?

"..." Yu Jinxiao was completely stared at by her, "If you can do what you say, then you will have something to eat."

"Okay~~~" Happy begging ran upstairs with his paws up.

"You mean yes yes yes... you were really kidnapped?" He Chen shouted in shock, then immediately covered his mouth and lowered his volume, "Then how are you? Are you injured? Are you scared? arrive???"

"Yuanyuan... Yuanyuan is at home now, very safe!" Yu Yuanyuan replied in a daze, "Yuanyuan has been kidnapped, and now she is in Fei's house!"

We all know that he has a good relationship with Yu Yuanyuan, so there will be news.

Ice cream is here, she wants to go upstairs to bed now.

It was a hot headline, and the content was actually related to Yu Yuanyuan's kidnapping.

This time, it was Gu Beiyan who called.

In less than 10 minutes, Yu Jinxiao's phone calls were so busy that he couldn't stop breathing.

As soon as Xiaotangyuan went upstairs, Yu Jinxiao received a message from He Shuxuan on his mobile phone.

It was only then that Yu Yuanyuan remembered that since the holiday, she seemed to have forgotten to contact her kindergarten friends.

If he hadn't found a secluded place to make a phone call, he would definitely be surrounded by people who wanted to inquire about the situation.

At the same time, Yu Yuanyuan was about to go upstairs to sleep, and her phone and watch rang crazily.

"Yuanyuan is fine~~Yuanyuan... Huh? There's another electric hair coming in, brother delicious, Yuanyuan is going to pick up another electric hair~ Bye bye~"

He Chen held the phone on the other side and covered his heart, silently said "Thank God": "Yuanyuan?? How are you doing? I saw on the Internet that you were kidnapped?? Where are you now? Are you safe?" ?"

I don't know where the news from the media came from, as if they were there, they said with certainty that Yu Yuanyuan had been kidnapped.

Wait, she didn't remember the question Brother Haoyi asked just now!
There is a kind of daze that was asked by the teacher, but the question was not even heard clearly.

He Chen was relieved after hearing the first half of the sentence, but when he heard the sentence "the kidnapping is over", he immediately jumped up from the chair again.

A lot of questions suddenly rushed to her face, making Yu Yuanyuan a little confused.

In an instant, there was an uproar on Weibo, and many people were worried about Yu Yuanyuan's current safety situation.

The first person to call was He Chen. Xiao Zai Zai stared at it several times, and felt that those words seemed to be the name of brother delicious.

"Crooked?" After the connection, Yu Yuanyuan's small milky voice made the other side utter a strange cry.

Clicking on the connection, she hadn't come to "crazy" in a hurry, and Gu Beiyan's roar burst out on the phone: "Yuanyuan!! Where are you!! I'm here to save you!!!"

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan was stunned, "Why?"

"I saw that you were kidnapped!" Gu Beiyan was extremely anxious on the phone, "Tell me where you are! I'll save you!"

Yu Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan has kidnapped Fei's family~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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